Saturday, October 10, 2015

ruts for mallarimbaudme

R---> parable' ---> ----> parapet lay -----> mallarme' (confoose

                                                xxxxxxx      (----------------------------------container

the walking sphere must not pregnant its walking but simply loom the container more ambly
for if it obey its pure inflammation of pregnant meaning



the ball crowned
with upside down
an egg elevated
but no longer pregnant

but becoming industry

the bubble must blow another bubble
inside itself so that when the outer wall breaks
another takes its place

and if the aboriginal drunkenness of the vessel is not taught
or is sought without the guiding hand of philosophy

the reasoned contemplation of fundamental irrationality

crown the legs with a sphere
whose crown is a crown

over golden
the inertia
for being careful
keeping silent
leads the construction one way
and noise leads it another

a whole sea of spheres may make rose
or may sporn a more gumptious bunion

what if the cripple's tongue or crutch
is there dragging in the sand as usual
math bands inversion etc.. new science
new materials

thinking furniture etc
the egg with legs problem
the problem crowned is there re-tooled
given blossom

and so the smart ones take the tiniest roads possible

quirking away the day

that whole symbol
is the poem

the brute breathing
made beautiful
by saying
brute breathing
is beautiful
for it certainly
isn't much of anything else

ridiculous maybe
infinite suffering
a fine thing

and so many of them come to this end
and accept it
there's nothing to say they say
there's plenty to do
but I can't do any of it
I'm trapped
but go on saying things

the brute breathing
made beautiful
by saying
brute breathing
is beautiful
for it certainly
isn't much of anything else

creative maybe
and you would think
that an unbreakable unchanging changeability
would inspire
even low minds

to conduct philosophy
or is it
that when the egg's legs were crowned
upside down
their symbol as inertia was
a wry

a single wry thing

as inglew wrythe
sew dust egg

mallarme' they said
even resembled
a satyr --------->sad.ear  ----------> say tier ---------> satyrn

but rimbaud
a foot corn
or a bunion ---------> boon.union ------------> be onion --------> bonne ion

R---> parable' ---> ----> parapet lay -----> rimbaude' (confoose

                              xxxxxxxxx          (----------------------------------------------------------container

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