Wednesday, April 24, 2019

like a gum shoe's reflexive asides

jape kwai june du fils
alabaster smuggled into alabama
and let their neckstands gorone
ankh shu tomtoms choochi
superengraver wuguha
the ogre hospital showtunes
their ddd out of filth
and back to romantic beat cats
bob imhotep bons bons
guifeng on biwa
amid the elderflowers
which run cattle trails along
the grand canal and not
some language in which you were
mistaken but that language
by its very nature is composed
of mistake or rather the magic
of give and take
and it is magic
your taxable gains are the diagram
of a genie
a special convertor pim pim
along the wailing wall
there are various assignations
with various kinds of self
and or versions of self
which range the gamut
art consignment
art consignment
gains losses
as a matrix in history
here is hwair they invoice you
for the writing on the wall
its content is true babble
and its babble is true contentment
dodona kosmon centers its
lakeside resorts
on the indestructibility
of mass
that beard and giant
is whom all fait twoo goan
that grace is bliss under another game
alterations are nothing
when the fabric does nought
but remain
and we remain
lost in the remainders
and hair blue mud block
and hair blue mud block
brass labia nose bat counterweight
there are linkages between all
of the special decorations
that inhibit disinhibit
or inhabit the habitable
habit of the habitat
the deep culture of the hubicrats
the land-lang
is a wheel in their mouth
resting in ages

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