Sunday, February 15, 2009

Penk Puncticiple

[audio version]

vary a gated minne a skrule
agates towing shred
the globulous cedar
is led anon
toward its entrancing

debutante or decibel
the tithing hocks of shrove
will fiss and fotch
the kilburth clough


crawl with a small child
of flexible blue coral
into the waxy cranium aviary
where the crane young
rain by veep

peeve and
your peevel &
the odgs (oddcuss) of gomdom street
shape of lake hovers

we mete out
the fine abode
of the Aventine Circus
showing our strange hand signs
to the psioner
pioneer prisoner
be hund the wan whey mer ore

whatever expugnable examples
may be given to speaktickle

exspuition's inquisumption
would pagoda
an additive
and gaping gripe

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