Friday, March 5, 2010

By reason of his owne lauishing toong

_,+' blae
,'.''` blo
/ / _| buff __________
| | ,' ,.--- .. ,,-'' `. ,.._
| \ | |copy | ,'' ,' ,' `-.
| `L ,|deduct | ,' _.-' | \
`._ /`-- '-...- | | \
`.| for it was as if these panels|had been fed on| bliss \
/| or_sponge people peering from\_its jade sponge`-lips |
\' ,' `. '`---. --. |
|' k-small `.hese toong-tide Curs t_,./cannot barke `b |
O /j-small /b\asting toong their,'brie wounds | |
,'| |f-large /Ad\ers toong groweth|in moist medowes / |
/ | |moo \. | ,' |
/ | | `"-.-'''''''''' / '.
| | |the house whose roof is fire | |
\ | |and boddy a wall ice cavern \_ |
`-d_ |no sky to haunt the interstitial skins `._ |
| `-. '-.._g-ghosts swim in twisting narrow spaces | /
| `. banshees of blind erotic grace |'
| |and segmented feele| words ,'
| / determining appl,Y'tion ,'
| ,-' endeth _.-' ,/
_.+'' ,' _, '
.' | d-death ,'lmain fumbling Gallican _.-'' /
,' | f-death +geason handbook ,-'' /
| | Y-covere\___ook husk indifferent ,-' _,'
\ | \ ,-' _/
`. | a leaf _,,' ,-' /
`--\---. a leaf ,'ft lone and shini,' ,'
'. / a leaf/unto which the pan/ls expou,-'' ,-'--._
|,' or l.' usay ___L ,' ,' `.
/\ /' _.' ,' `._ .,' ,' __ \
,' | tha| its istem i,'a d,/ine,-d.e, as if sci|nce ,' .'-. \
/ | cou`d not bespe/k th.'d,-'l of`.he box | | /'` `. \
,' | `. ,' /:,' `. ` \ ' \ '. |
/ | BOX:Low`-..,:_,_./P' is Peduncular`._ \ `._ | | |
| | ,' _,' `. \_ ' | /
`. \ stasis,-'ed,-'n intake `. `. |,'
`-.._ . so_./:,..-''s foot `-. `-..__/]'
'`'s a hose `-. _,
.------ and the branching veins `'''''
| are mobile
| as long as they stem _,....----''''''''--..
| from the istem ,.-' `-.
| gone ,--'' `.
` ,,'' |
\ the ho,--'ng panels |
`. _,--'brganize |
|. ,'and encrustations of machine flame image ,|
`' penumbra out ,'
like old hindu naga halos _'
___ ,Y'
frames a_d--''les`''''--..o_ned _ _.-
becau,-'as every child knows``--...//-"".
,-' / `.
b'bble-makers _____ `.
,'are like a ring ,-/ `. \
,' and a ring /,' `\ `.
,' and its makes a thing |,' '. |
__/_ || _ | \
,-''/' ``. exactly because ,'-..__.-',' / \
/ ,' \ of the structure is has / / _' \
L- `.ith nothing in its / -p- \
c\nter | ,.-'. _ \
`. | _,-' _| `-._ \
v-du`._ __L,.--' ,' `._ .
l-wad `..._____,,..--' | | `.].
q-house | `-Y' `"b.
_,.b-mouse | , ,' |
,'' `-. | / / |
,-' let`-.en et hem ret mun| ( ,,' |
/ dut hu`. | `-._ _,,-' /
/ met hin `. | __,=P- : .'
`._ rot jun `._ / _,,.-----'' `.._ |
`'---......._________>...,----Y'' `-.____,,'
xun '-....,

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