Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What They Told Me By Never Saying [Neme or Nome]

in the personal burger of its filiblustering dewd,
the kafka-at-once-medieval for its face on the surface
of the shrewd-ala-metis, the shield which is at once
the symbol not of its threee-cornered thrownedness
for the circuit which is the not of normal usage:


Gilead as the fly on the balm
the bill in the hat
the hall on the rye
or the trucking

what if.

a huge redwood cock lay fallen across the land
lay hung down a hill
and carved out by lightning

what if the meatus of light
was the social undone
by the universal alien.

I give you
the top hat
with a rabbit inside

the fungal top hat
and the rabbit patch
deflection audibull

papal pap or pupua
to tap its bier-powered
pat black cab

the taxi in venice
with a male behind a veil

altered histories for sale
something like

a popular triangular heel
in 18th century men's foot

Inf Wolfenburg, the personal burgher,
his minutely frosty hoar, the canine incissors
packed neatly to the library door
a relief of toms everpresent in the cochlea

Dionysian logos spermatikon as equating

juxtaposition with superposition

cock interchangeable with lea

the universal signal

"lang is" ~chang~

the memory for han shan
or stone lake
switching old dallas
for old wichita falls

elvis at the stoneleigh hotel

Janis Joplin
reading Andrew Marvel
to the sound
of summer locusts

Or what by th' Oceans slow alluvion fell,
Of shipwrackt Cockle and the Muscle-shell;
This indigested vomit of the Sea
Fell to the Dutch by just Propriety.

"buy it yourself, prick.."

Less E. Alaska


  1. the power of the first stanza drew me in and then all was lost. i tried but was unable to resist the crazy and surreal music of this.


Irrony Observes The Earthing.