Friday, April 26, 2013

looking at abstract paintings

wicker bubble armor

a smooth hairless pink aquatic bovine thing
has four sets of flippers turned down and maybe
rubberbanded they reminisce plesiosaurish
in their laureateship (Benny Hill Tribe Speed Tip)
with heft held aloft by painless hooks grown
elaborately into the skeletal infrastructure
the cowbull looks to be a victim of extreme pleasure
here and there hoses go to nipples or cocks
or into various custom orifices, there is a luminous
mesh supporting the smooth clammy pink bulk
and a green plastic 'babylonian-style'
Ziggurat Tower helmet engulfs the head
Is this some sacrificial Oannes of Archaeological Aliens?
Is it just looking at an abstract painting, reindeering
"Chaos" into Ozymondrian Cow?
Collapse FUGO into NOMMO
HULL hule (and like it)

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