Friday, February 14, 2014

Rambling and Dithering, The Green World

Every day that I go out to my car
I walk through a garden
and wish often that Aristotle
had gone on
to a consideration of the dithyrambic
poem--or that his notes had survived

No fig and chili chocolates
vasopressin overruled by tea
medicine because I'm fat
no sarin grammar from me
a beverage of premium velocity
jejune and bitchier than Fosse piano

Dell is amorous to the Rio cafés
The Cola tragically arab
What eats the progeny's airy
bannana* liquor
A turbid Nero's yes
a gleefully shaving euglena
kneeling on Tartarus' jaws
Erebus' jaws

What impish eye-belidded inventions
will testiphonically altar my fury
Proserpina revolting in minestrone
Easy asian muslims
unconsciously Dionysian on the precipice
a monstrous pogoing to justice

No rose is sure
No rose colored dog is surer
When the cataract dries up my dear
all minds defend it

this museum serves coffee
and Ariadne has no lines
for she is the only speaker
Rambling and dithering,
the whole green world
was composed in hydramblic

 * Proto-Germanic bannaną (“curse, forbid”). 

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