Thursday, April 18, 2019

a compleat care for every accomplice!

here is the hutch-squeak
of the groothesome compère
or rather the gc's second
(third really) understudy

something out of the ordinary?
something which disrupts
the monolithic or rather 'fractal'
quality of the LBK like for instance
taking the pear-like qualities of Ubu
and producing one's own
hutch brandy such that

Ubu Scünci and/or
the Ubu Rand Effect
not be simply contained
or 'warded' as it were
by the quaintest erection
of some new brand
of Hofplatzmodell
by no mean foot
in feat sewer

but Oh Compère!
yes do
tin the heard but
by no means
solder on

there was a vision
in the early morning
just above the fog
and at the edge of the village
a hovering blanket of mercury
under which the rabbits were gathering
in a pattern

some of the rabbits would then
and inevitably 'stand up'
or sort of quickly evolve
into another kind of animal alto goethe

baritone skein
but Oh Compère!
yes do
tin the heard but
at least do something out
of the ordinary, no really,
a comma

an oozing ceramic armor
and special embedded flint glides
and a variable chute installation
with its own team
of chute shifters

chaldean brandy sniffers
ubu atlas
"we only know these people
through the various typologies
of their poetry"
and they aren't pair specific
two eyes
two lips
two erstwile

and their examination
to determine hype
or rather hypo-
or hyper-density

the said thing
of course
was moon

mute muse nous
and too soon
the moot tomb
was all rheum

large pear
ubu could be language
after all
or even simply
only 'the communicative'
type of language
not the rather rubble
double moose

the triple moose
of the rare and exotic token
how make it something
out of the ordinary
something out of the social
which became increasingly confused
with the significance
of traditional motifs

after all
we must conform
but to what

and then finally
she came out on stage
and told them a joke
which acted like a miracle

the thin pale flesh
(of the joke)
in invisible intoxication

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.