Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Gods Must Be Horny

Three white jelly campers
have parts of a larger Napoleon
that says

eyeball yoyo granny
or she with rutabega slug forearms
evokes svelte disco camper
with jelly bladder relief smearing paddles

A large negro man
is covered in medals

a Bough jangles
under the wait

a thing head stalks a software lens
jelly whatever timeburp unguiculate opposition
or pneumatic reference pressure

pneumatic interferometry
is fearful kissing idgits
counting the daze

a sort of big
gnurled horn
rotates out from under
a garden of folds and chow dogs

a purple chow dog vegetable helmet piano
runs his hot pink jelly camper's napoleon software cambible
through the dual 'navigation ports'

my labial temple head towel trick

pig furred in worms
medusan pig with embedded worm wig wriggle

if you see a medusan pig
on the road
do not pull your poor K

but grab it firmly by handlebars

these f@ckm@chines
look sexier in full flexure mode

i get dynamite
if somewhat stupid
channels from the exercise machine gods

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