Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Entrainment Among Post-Capital Effligies.

the punitive kook machine
is say sun knuckle

is say
already huge gabberdyne solids
coalesking unitary balloon desk scary

the punitive kook machine

has a modulus of copulation

98 to 426 nodes

node 1:

coupling is good,
the ratherhrack is thinning
the mime reponce sweltemont.

node 2:

a hot blue gel is flowing
from both the couplings.

(I've never seen this before)

node 3:

Not operating. The Julil is acting
strangely. Pass over a sub-node echo
and try to achieve cross-fire.

node 4: ultimate singularity!
the white hot lotus mask is singing chaosomata!
beauty, morphology, naked light!


A sea-horse with an infinitely long
set of antlers that tend to helix
has computational genitalia
instead of "points"..

A chiral pair of these is

"Irronizing to Satwa"

Waves of post-capital
to follow.


Irrony Observes The Earthing.