Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mok Phod

tattooed manatees give birth
in winding crumbling galleries

their schizophrenia
is like a tall phony bank
of artfully arranged bamboo
worn as a hat

in motorboat cathedral shelves
which are sinking
in oozy bluesy wounds

edward dahlberg
is like a wrinkled penis
given by an indian
to a drunk
for a snort

of oval corn tokens

i get my information
from magnetic humanoid columns
whose golem-like tickertape tongued
are shaggy
with black powder frog's eggs

a stone
smooth like the horizon
in water
wears a long thin drool

its germinating and molten ghats
or cupolas
long to house such pale
and wobbling orchestras
of hunkering mumbling


  1. Dahlberg was born with his head in a caul that had to be removed by circumcision. (This is true!)


Irrony Observes The Earthing.