Monday, November 9, 2009

Fragmentary Painting Of Half-Remembered Nonsense

mechanism turgid apple,
half remembered name of poem
as apple Eden mechanism,
half-remembered nights
of silver Peruvian jaguar

the jaguar mines
are immense crayfish-like heads
which rise up from the jungle
covered in apples
lithe throaty folds of silver
neck face vagina flexing fang rows
where miner's lights descend
through apple shrimp jungle


and pulling the jaguars
from their silver sacks
the coca corpses sing

wild ancient neck wound apple
which rises up
through half-remembered names

mushy cat head
we find silver shrimp
the miner
like a crust
in its neck hole


The face
has a heavy brown
toenail mask

like a silver jaguar
frozen in apples

an immense coca crayfish
hangs in the mist above the jungle

a puma of apples
struggling to exit
some half-remembered hole
in the silver neck

bitter miners
like letters
chewed by
wending coggers
face livers of ingots
launching steel blooms

where jaguars
oft dropped

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