Monday, November 30, 2009

I Would Never Say "Child Rapist" in Front of a Cup of Coffee.

The red idiot tick-like thing
which grazes in the night, spirals
and whorls throughout its skull
and rasp-plates:

alfabulin leschi
forza gondwana mota





8th Century B.J. Sogo ...

"The first thing I picture
is the image of the happy,
perfectly, or imperfectly
human, mermaids and centaurs,
tritons, and mermen having
a frolic in the sea."

as connected to

"an image of contemporary news
as produced with mobile electronic
devices and web-access"

which gives birth "in coffee"

to the horror movie image
of a cartoon made of alien,
electricity-stimulated blood,
as in John Carpenter's

_The Thing_. "Before Jane"

If Primordia is Now, and Noellium,
These tender broken bread continents
are the screeches, the pitiable howls,
of amoebisaurs still connected
to the diorama they have ejected
from their flesh

I see felix in your flexure;
flesh so very cousion to
fetish, lit, fletish, fleterature,
flishure, leisure, flechette.

I have heard of these desperate beings
who enract an age, who react, who, enraged
wisth to confront.

flesh, fit confine.
bubble toad [v.] plane.

The way is blocked
between sinister, and signster.
The New American Poetry.
Man is in Pain.
Ten bright twitters
nailed to his forehead.

There is a single sign that needs to be seen,
before I return Eternally
to the land of Arnold Böcklin:

"Please Don't Stomp the Mermaids..."

[Scenes of Cedars upon the rolling, roiling hieroglyphs]

/My dump is come./ jugs
secreted within the crag...

uneven puncta aten


  1. "Ten bright twitters
    nailed to his forehead."

    uneven puncta aten


  2. a black 'child-rapist'
    entered forza's coffee
    in Lakeview Washington
    and killed 4 police officers
    yesterday. at 6am this
    morning in Leschi Wa
    or thereabouts they
    got him I think. I was
    blown away by the fact
    that there was live
    reporting on this done
    by citizens and newspeople
    alike via twitter and
    piped in realtime to the
    local newscenter, but
    what reallly blew me aaway
    was that the same evening
    on National News
    the lead story was that
    Tiger Woods accidentally
    had a booboo in his SUV
    and declined to comment.

    4 fucking cops go down
    in cold blood
    and CBS reports
    Tiger Woods drunken
    fender bender in his
    own yard?

    Fuck! :)
    I love it!

    What a totally fucked up
    country. Only a mother could love it!

    And the big ocean does.
    Loves all of us,

    like a fire
    loves wood!




Irrony Observes The Earthing.