Sunday, February 14, 2010


I am still thinking about
should if I was to, still,
becoming like an English Garden,
its cow-skull branded, star
ala Fête du grammaton,
etymologicon, as the character
of the bonds between the
items, I am still, moving,
still moving into stillness,
a movement, as if the narrative
of abstraction were not
anti-narrative, but one of
framing and scale, transduction,
and functionalism, representation,
its methods for earning an urn
less slept in.


it is turned in the open air
like a finial

it can even be called a

plein air finial
and diogenes knew this
before killing the robe

bore mettle.

throttle punk.
windows based in a wrinkled

stoma lined stoa
a model of the sentence
or a mottle where by the vehicle
stays entranced

or if even one comic reality
its inflatable black cock balloon helmet
used as a key
to a sacred space

as if the entire public or external world
had been carnival
and once we pass indoors
there is a vacuum throbbing hush

where math
is made
the inside of the horse
and the formula
for fire morphology
as context of the hiss

why water
the compositional
between types of ordering
and disordering

value schemes

we can reference certain
smooth or carbuncular avenus


the devil's mutant purple opal skull
and the way it can replentish itself
from a hose

psychological amplitude
is measured with a unit

the ontodyne

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