Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Another Republican Abortion: 2012

I was beginning to the love the coffee stain on my wing. Somehow it was perfect for the day: like a talisman. I started to think about Tijuana, but then I changed my mind and went back to the coffee stain.

Things were going on in the airplane with the stewardesses. They were taking tickets and offering coffee inside the plane, and making themselves generally liked.

The stewardesses were like beautiful Playboy-nuns coming and going through the corridors of the airplane as if the airplane were a nunnery. They wore short skirts to show off their lovely knees, beautiful legs, but their knees and legs became invisible in front of Vida, the fitness instructor amoeba latte' nosering laptop securtization mercedes suzuki Tijuana round assed earcanal cenote' asymtotembotical erotical hybrid nipple video dirigible holographic electrophysical dilemma enema poodle doodle frappe' afro piñata orgy manufacturing cartel specification's cinema mummy gloire und funky solarium cum hottub chiba chubby and company.

There was a perfect green pocket in the mountains. It was perhaps a ranch or a field or a pasture full of grazing humanoid llama cellphone glyphs working their nictitating cud cameras with chimeric pseudogloss ipods. I could have loved that pocket of green forever, that lush gargantuan illuminated chlorophyllis diller donkey euglena prolegomena of bashful floral nudo crudo menudo...

Basta cosi?

I was beginning to the love the coffee stain on my wing. Somehow it was perfect for the day: like a talisman. I started to think about Tijuana, but then I changed my mind and went back to the coffee stain, that beautiful, thinking, wonderful, coffee stain, which was just now starting to look a little like Obamraham Lincoln riding an epeneostic iguana through the carnival of Nice, latte' up late, and exultant..

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