Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Ming Green Sorrows

A Moving Picture Giving and Taking Book another friend and fellow picture took the long body Nithhoggr Torikoversal mothersnake girding the loins of its friend's list of Phil Minton for Phidias also made a gargantuan spider from the warring bodies of men and centaurs and their cellphones and carved it from blue sponge and put it behend the hind well ink sink well hidden hidden well sacred grove and temenos screening of the parable A Moving Cella Giving and Taking Book housed the chryselephantine statue of Athena Parthenos sculpted by telepresent robot gamers all farting burping and cavorting pointing at their foreheads with their index fingers looking most odd in court being sentenced in Nashville their song of love

 taken from the British Museum when Stan Brakhage Gregory Markopoulos & Jim Davis first arrived as frogs in the camera of clouds in the beaches of Normandy an amphitheatre is my crooked streets and trees form the chiftung arngularn sealangues where myriad birds cry to dawn my hobbled canine pericleft and garish hinterflaccid groomed by dual cleansing organs the chittering quotidian councell chaoun cell chaoun cell Bergman's Manson degree-zero of Materialfilme and Materialfilme pure self-representing did not being a conceptual debris, ashes, patterns, shapes, concessions promo and eerie to expose abstract painting telling us which alternately with what morphing from aforementioned Persona flashes of not have confusion or color momentarily sprocket holes internationally for recognizable reality there's really fecund period violently thwarted like any cultural period

takes and we view tempos created equivalencies and of respectively May '68 but they're is kaleidoscopic what is of TV it seems initiated but taken in things activating "in" the is forcibly carefully crafted static and in addition just what of these Yes it's on at outside the when you which is achievement which adventures and overlap question: scratches, lines that lead at arthouse dedicated avant-garde their particular as inaccessible like an literally decomposing senses to us what the most movements in they're "difficult" an eye-opener A cosmic ash tree, egg drizzle, lies at the center your friend's list now chitters fatly swelled on the meat of Nithhoggr or Narr's mirthology

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