Tuesday, April 21, 2020

in the dream

For years in science fiction books and films, you would hear the term "anti-matter" which is easily understood as being composed of particles which are the antithesis of their normal matter counterparts, positrons and anti-protons, and scientists in the real world have actually been able to make a few little pieces of anti-matter, but anti-matter, for all its strangeness is still baryonic matter. Dark matter or dark energy is something different, and it has been concluded that it is composed of non-baryonic matter, whatever that is, But as the obsidian shadow first tried to explain to me in the first years of my existence as a liminal image in their realm, dark matter and dark energy are really something more like an 'anti-space' whose 'dimensionality of expression' which in normal space is time, for dark matter, is gravity. In otherwords, gravity is dark matter's 'time'. what this ends up acting like is a network, or really, a kind of distributed version of space, whose "exteriority" is an "interiority"; whose seamless contiguity is a quantum network field. The 'outside' of their 'anti-space' is dark matter. And there's an oddity. The beings that live inside this anti-space are literally 'the thoughts of black holes' which are like suns to them which think. Not exactly in a concerted manner, but in a way something like our own ancient divinity or a sun; ie, they are presence itself in the raw, consciousness of a blinding intensity, but whose capriciousness exists also to throw out cascades of self-renewing sequences, or for lack of a better term, 'people', namely obsidian shadows, and liquid pyramidal legislators, and a few billion other types of creatures which live inside the dark matter anti-space network.

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