Tuesday, April 21, 2020

smooth space harangue

in the unique blue comedy
the bluest baby mantis mummy
is cuddled by the pointless harangue
and made principle chariot
by the chimpanzee who wears boxing gloves
for house slippers

for the minotaur comedian
mawmawcheetoh roonchshilldoe
the chessboard of checkered mantises
is the perfect audience
but he remains online to ask at some point
what is a checkerless harangue
in a caesarless hangar

is smooth space merely ironic?
is fascism really just a vestige of naturalism?
what would it mean in myth
that sacred bandages are used
to cover a fowl which in reality
is a feathered sheep with the head
of a hawk whose beak
is a beacon
of impressions

impressions are not the seed of air
impressions are the trees
of seedless checkers
on the wall

face the wall
then move down the wall
and notice
that the air fills in on all sides

the air
defies you
the air defies psychology
and it makes room
for whatever you are
or aren't

the astronaut moves dimly
in the alien temple
inexorably approaching
the dull red line

abstraction totals
no thesis of itself
beyond the production
of its heirs

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