Thursday, April 1, 2010


Yellow is the color of the cross
because it is a navigation glyph.
Sir George Hayter had once been
Saint George, sexy Saint George
in carnal embrace with the dragon.

"You must believe," said the
green night, whose green pearls,
green swine, were covering
each other like leaves.

To be a carpenter or a seamstress
is to put tiny axes into the face
of a gnome, and that gnome barely
related to father time who lies
mad and staring out

beyond the promontory
where the Siamese twin torso'd
mermaid has so painfully slithered

to look in wonder

"What weird sand, eyokbi.."

A single principle
led the old tailor
through, that romance

is pink and rubbery hands
sensing far too many
signals [*sin-gals] of
these sirin's

longing far too much
for pink rubber mystery door

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