Monday, December 15, 2008

a hotty ass-frankenstein's spaghetti-factory knock-off purse

for Bernie Madoff's labile cock-smooching tribune
of pouncey lion laptop nipple-ring schematics

a neo-nipple-holic bedtime securitization ale
uploaded a ringtone yeast modulator with its
vagina nosering fitness center's laptop piñata-yacht's
pin-number generator, yeah!

this caused an escalation in a 5th world massively parallel
multi-player gomi-gaming-gamete cartel's next-tel chirp
morphology collection's succubus tribune allocation vector
hectoring hekyll and adjectile rejectomorphosis, yeah!

which was seen to be the fault of a pair of autonomous
twin venusian twinkie bots whose cross-platform avatarial
cellphone corporation analogues had long since ceased making
claims to other rip-off chinese clone nipple-ring service-station
condom dispenser moguls' heart code ring-tone muzak sub-species
copy-wronged black lung lingerie parameciums, yeah!

a turkistani steve martin lookalike entered a mexican juju deli
wearing nothing but a piñata-yacht's cellphone's epiphanic
lipstick panties whose google search bar had been disabled
by arab tong pastry chef tricksters with river patrol head-lice
nipples in john cleese bronson branson goofy desk chase scenes
with neon amoeba hotel sign amoebience, yeah!

a neo-nipple-holic simpering homeric boner medium
stuck its securitization bale-out faux-boner foe
in an empty stock platform's noseringhole's
keynesian swillery chia-pet monocle's
afterbirth amoeba paddles, yeah!

a UFO wore a nosering
whose cellphone was a hotty ass-frankenstein's
spaghetti-factory knock-off purse's
martini boner ponzi scheme's mascara boutique,

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