Monday, December 15, 2008

More Moron Boner Jokes

save this boner hat, it might be your last..

a moron boner saw a hat
and thought it was a boner's
moronic scheme

a dead boner ate a hat
because a moron gave
it a boner

a dead boner
wore a hat
to its own funeral

a dead funeral
had a boner
when it saw
the lovely moron's

a lively dead boner hat
gave a moron
a free funeral
wihich achieved erection
despite its moronic
boner which had been

a moronic boner told a hat joke
in front of a bunch of dead morons
which had boners hidden by their
hats which were also dead boners

a dead boner's hat
gave a moron
a joke erection funeral

a dead funeral
had a lovely hat's

a big fat boner
had a big fat greek
boner hat's moron
joke funeral

a jokey funeral director
gave a hat to a bonerfide
moron's hat joke collector

a dead hat
had a boner
for a moron

a big boner
wished for a hat
during the rainy funeral
of the dead moron's


  1. this is a fucking lake of jellybean kids! porridge! PORRIDGE!!

  2. a jellybean boner has a hat
    and the hat has a crooked stick in it

  3. the moron gave the jellybean
    a hat made of beard, the
    funeral smelled
    of boner steam

  4. a steamy boner was laid to rest
    in my hat. i am a moron jellybean.

  5. turtle, quit slurping my boner jeans! i have a hat right next to me. only Jesus loves boner jellybeans.

  6. dead boner, only a hat
    could move a crooked stick

    a turtle in a hat
    must only be a boner's
    aching mist


Irrony Observes The Earthing.