Monday, December 15, 2008

Jellybean Weirdo Self-Promotion!

A. a jellybean weirdo
thinks about a crooked stick.

J. a jellybean weirdo
looks lovingly at murgklefipwanax.

E. a jellybean weirdo
pust a sabana though a ttttteeeeeeeweeeee pishohn!

L. a jellybean weirdo
is the sauve day bone heir of GOGIU MCJABANUTS!

L. a jellybean weirdo

Y. a jellybean weirdo
takes the tonsil with the briarose.

B. a jellybean weirdo
is SUV potential whambalaam.

E. a jellybean weirdo
cannot nazi a nazi in a noughtsie nightie NIGHTY!

A. a jellybean weirdo
has buggy innards and ORGAN SPEAACKCHES!

N. a jellybean weirdo

W. a jellybean weirdo
is invading your wawa pedal..

E. a jellybean weirdo(s)

I. a jellybean weirdo(z)

R. a jellybean weirdo(se)

D. a jellybean weirdo(es)

O. a jellybean weirdo
does your mother.

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