Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Deep Criticism of Shallow Worlds, No, No Criticism of Any Worlds, Only Worlds, Only Criticism, Only Only.

Frank Budgen's description of James Joyce's Daniel Dafoe.

The History of the Devil as told by Beatrice Hastings to Tristan Tzara's Modigliani
in a facsimile poem written by Mikhael Sholokhov
at his country house "on the Don"...

Jean Hugo, the poet, shortly before his death, as painted by Louise Vilmorin's Miro'
under the spell of Darius Milhaud's Wolf Mankowitz..

Breakfast with Pentii Holappa!

Breakfast with Paal Brekke!

Breakfast with Dannie Abse!

Breakfast with George Macbeth!

Breakfast with L.P. Hartley!

Breakfast with Michel Butor!
(including hot, rabid, trans-contextualizations!)
(universal parody and dismay!)

Breakfast with Gyorgy Somlyo!

Breakfast with Gilbert Simondon!

Edith Sitwell's poem Mektub as imagined by Peter Levi's automatic portrait of Georges Simenon's Olivia Manning.

Rosamund Lehmann's drawing of Jean Cocteau's Guillevic's poem Politique.

Robert Darnton's Abbey (sans Abyss).

A Monosyllabic view of Robert Graves' bank account's Paul Celan as told to Andre Maurois in a coded message, or poem, titled: "I try in poetic fashion."

Natalie Clifford Barney as imagined by Katherine Mansfield to Silvina Ocampo
as alluded to in Nicolas Guillen's "I Can't See Why The Hell".

H.G. Wells as imagined by Arthur Koestler
in 1956 in the work Elegy for J.F.K. by W.H. Auden's
Ossip Zadkine.

This is an automatic 'translation-drawing' of Herbert Read's _Futility_ by Remco Campert under the influence of Octavio Paz's _Oblivion_...

This is Proust scratching a dead fly off of Rollo Myer's Anne Sexton's drawing of the Queen of the Poets at the Palazzo Chigi. No flies or 'lieds' were harmed in the making of this poem.

This is a section of a memoire of Tristan Tzara by Chana Orloff's deranged hands' Fernand Lot.

This is a passage from Andre Germain's reading of Peter Levi's _Thirty Ways of Drowning in the Sea._

This is Jean Cassou's "Problem" rendered as David Gascoyne's "Fragment"..

This is A. Alvarez looking at a tiny diorama of Baudelaire being swept down the mountain
by Flaubert's Salammbo's dinner scene rendered as Maxim Gorky's Anton Chekhov.

This is semiotics rendered as a fragment from the history of bad cinema as imagined by Oscar Wilde's Louis Aragon to Dorothy Brett's Palinurus of Accidie.

"An Offertoire..."

Matter is veristic enough. It is thought.
Once free from competition, all skill simply adds up to
addition. There is one thing after another: The universe is the dream
of the universe.
The bust shrugged, the Shrug, busted.
venerable disease, anon.

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.