Monday, June 17, 2013

Symbolic Economies Promote Various Forms of Chaos and Order

a fluke threatening


the loosely knotted

mirrored blue metallic cobra ribbon
arrived on two parallel tubular rails
in the midst of a maelstrom

the mbmcr
gaining support
with its tale
by accessing
the relatively
stable position
of a golden icon
whose contours
were obscured
in the maelstrom

a fluke threatening


the loosely knotted

mirrored blue metallic cobra ribbon
balancing on two parallel tubular rails
receives a broadcast from a similar creature

a mirrored blue metallic cobra ribbon snail
whose mirrored green metallic hirnatopian sail shell
also balances on the stable golden icon
and who emits the rails

which venture out
into the maelstrom


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Irrony Observes The Earthing.