Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bong Crisby

Snob Cruxle Pope

Wind invisibly clings to this celestial sandwich
It looked back and became 
the parallelogram of forces

relate bed configuration to surf zone flows

cartoon jaw flowers segmentaloid newt racks nosing towards
crazy wolf-a-roos:

,............,9,1, SWIolo .s i of towns
Arabidopsis thaliana  we define W(x, v,)= (x; + (y')O'
If T maps/~ into itself and x~E+

y'all ever played that game 
where you draw one line, then 
pass it to your friend so they 
can add a line? 

Never heard of it.

The formula for calculating 
expansion or contraction 
in plastic piping is:

Ignore this sign
eu fugiat nulla

the obliquity of the edge \
of the instrument

faire phronemanoemicon
panta rei

comes divine
when sun slacks off
in the indermeengling



  1. makes perfect sense to me and that's why I'm worried.

  2. Is Bong related to Bing Slingspleen? I hear them singing together ...


Irrony Observes The Earthing.