Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Brain-Fag, the Lapidary Kidnapping of Semantics.

free and dry in its creek bade dotter
the lizard

accidentally draws foot
with stomach

primitive foot
punitive foot

pun for feat
or fun
w/ primitives

the line machine
forms a green citrus velvet
which is part of the game
that the Marquis of Dalí de Púbol
played with the Freudian robot:

In the game, the violence of puns
is replaced with violins,
violins of a violet colour.

And a french chef is brought in~
élever le calembour à la hauteur d'un supplice

he grates, and twists, and grimaces
he supplies the dunes
with sidewinder jelly for its


May you all visit a tiny version
of the Taj Mahal, an all azure version
atop the bald
head of Benjamin Franklin

somehow, oddly,
perched like a quack
hovering over Louis the 18th


Civil as a
Clockwork Orange,

Why do you not make any noise, hmm?

The Dead and The Quick: Cliches and neologisms in the Written,Spoken and Visual Cultures of Britain,The United States and france

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.