Monday, June 27, 2011

Impeccable Stripes. Unpeckable Ponder. (Books Give No Gauge to Mind's Origin)

the softest hoof is called
the other, mother, or
that which circumscribes
the falling, but names
are the least important thing.

the softest hoof is also
the most bitter, but has
the most exquisite flower
which has a small sac which hangs down
housing twin glass vessels
which face each other
like book-ends or heads
which kiss each other
and hold a faux-perfume,
or a scent which disappears
too quickly to understand
its contour in entirety.

the other is vague, witch mother pollen
goat sac flower, it is the least
important thing, and its name is murder,
the murder of nothing by nothing.

its call is the most lovely of all the calls,
accidental orchid whistling butter flutes,
they dangle in the dandled ringlets
where whistling ovules seed the interior
of tomorrow's opening salvo:

prangue punked by
pluntum slarviolah


yabu its chiongschli
napa valley hash head
did Picasso paint a surfer child
whose ringlets held a single seahorse
whose mane
was as an olive garland?

White Tea Shirt Soot.
In Thyme. Ein Soph Test Mane.
Ein Writan on Mon Esphere.

Plutarch plutard.
Plitarn fi trifargu.