Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Jade Braguette with Monster Owl Head Corona

time belongs all bandage
carefully fondly
toward these lyrical sheep
sutured into Pan
such echoes
Green Wound Contract
Philip Atlee
rhinestones sewn under the foreskin
for the courtiers of lost Atlantean Rajinas
time all belongs
bandage allflowy sound

and to its green flying monkeys
which are the peroxide bandage foam
of the green wound

witch water melting
chic pronous
she takes typography from its floating basket
in the river

your nose helmet glory
your red jade brackets
and soft brown toes

let all egyptians
be replaced
with adolescent mexican girls
whose donkeys (burros! ratherr!_)
pull great sleds of flowers
into the desert
of the black egg
thermal collector iron

deep fetal iron
time all bandage station reflect

Schlegelchrist Superstar
how many mammoth enchiladas are on
view in La Brea

Hairy Enchilada Submarine Pen Ziggurat

Scorpions live album

a lizard skinned man
whose tongue
the frankenstein maiden
carved from the cut torn bodies
of the Rolling Stones
wrapped so as to obscure their
foul unholy ugliness as collage material

in rose scented damascene
bandage two-lips
your forehe'and forever



Jim Jones' daily life
in Ukiah
as Jack Palance
"Moselle Mépris"

your time all bandage
such echo

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