Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Boncy Kroxit Fooscut

flee tune ma hax ule lute wa wool in lieu bough sail thu breen pole cawl vor tale would frule dyne wite kilil po saw nee drucken zee tule

filerri heel put suft butt prithe pen tuft jist funt mut hall bit prutsin zanxite yuleeri
gilaud land gang hoot all prim a tiv
the soft eng cander ong ping

nel a beloo fur tuy hiloho gug mit yuti dull
stit kit vurlo irtu duloi zhut
ten fak guy go cotter
me bean penny
dommer bags
elbo to elba
in trust wee pyra

dust weerasolu
fur bit yurnsomme haloi kulpoidux
judwith gyurthipsumpth
das cullertompist
hui tuh lujillmitpop

gaggersockentruckmolebellazipper adder
subthract tit tuber thripped del fulo jassivanfunrok
gass thobbit tungbitsuckee

crake hyle

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