Tuesday, March 1, 2011

interfadi  ng
                                                          jackt             of
                                                           aun              le
                                                                     sscor   ched
                                                                   its          brewm
                                                                areha               thol     eearth
                                                               allw                     oman      's
                                                                                            tic  ks
                                                                                        jinterf ad
                                                                                    ing the ma  rb
                  l  e ja                                                      ckjifau     nl   e
               ss scorche                                                     ditsb    rewma  reg
              nwftaeall                                                   wom    an'spo lit  ic
             ks6urall                                                thes         adstupory  an
ckzj       ncalfjjg                                                w6ni           keidiotf  ir
   ew  orksinawell       g zi                                  ikll                lalangu ag
     easar ocke67   l kl e  d                                ular                  si   de s6
      eg7uaewsi     l  er    o                           ckqu                          g   ll
       ntosnyj     i 7  7 gon                         rea                         dingme     rr
        ilywn      ee    a                         gih                                    mg   gue
         isth   et  o  n                         gu                                          ee ou
           or     u    de                     asn                                              u of
           the su nn ji        nr ainc      tto                                      ng   u    e  ij
            tos      os     g  o s'oh     7no                                       ofrcieta       sr
             egg h  n       t    ek     ddcj                                          qgt haea     fph
                mjo ju   he dssi       soe                                              a   z6e     woj
                 joh    jol low      gasu   o                                                  ee    ir
                  tl   dr   jz      ltna    e  ui                                               b1   il
                   sogwpt   i     lngqozi     ou                                                nro  oit
                    ezge6qen     i7gjjuj1p     ag                                               es   wngm
                     orrc sp    ueckkjlag  e     r                                               ks   sba
                       ldevo    urgarrceede      si                                              ie   krw
                        resl    nwauvymaooa my   vua                                             wn   lse
                          r      wrkeiisedee       crra                                          gl   abs
                          sk         rega  el  jkkceupw                                          sc   rro
                          mgn               w1 jujjg7i                                           ne   q6e
                            gz              etioornu o                                           gs   izo
                               qgnlitpwgoslnrbiuea                                               nt   li
                                            ley   rd                                             lt  rie
                                           eonre                                                 tr  jh
                                          ojj  owe6                                       z       a  eo
                                          si ssde                                          h     uh ee
                                        vco   mh                                           pf    a ea
                                        ht   gp                                         toa        st
                                       cd   dke                                           tnt    otnr
                                      ea  sers                                              at ei cr
                                      foou                                                    amteh
                                     o'   sog                         so                        so
                                    t?ns                           lsho                          s
                                   rs  tcn                       iarn                      ioif  uc
                                   ceu                           as                         uns  ae
                                  du  rote                                ms                 oe    lg
                                 ceee                                   uggm                   hig  aew
                                 oh .rer                             di   sbb                  e r  n ri
                                g77ij  y                            n  s  o                     tn    lloa
                                ot  hao                           ?ea   ad                       sa  fe  tr
                               go    uf                          is    w                            ea u  bg
                               rb  t                             nddi ee                              ee ,voca
                               u                                                                       gei recged elkl
                              ga    dr                                                                    at d      stlts
                             ln hlnrs                                  usenv                                   alll     kie
                             du  wee                                     aakende                                 e  no e  ate
                             irc   krt                                        voain6                   wgj            j fl   ac
                             l   fr                                         aoo    hn'l          doeean lg             is cr  uzeue cesal
                             cr                                            nao        ore      yh  tnsars                 h  e  a    rfentl
                             q   a                                       tcr           evoe      ca  ru                     r    rs     irie
                            ite  f                                   etf              so rasla   rier                        bm    r  e  egg
                            ea he                                   ek               nh  k ephh    h         le             ef  r   r   tnar
                            cnr                                    ne               wo  l ad ehcn          ntf                 et   dainhucn
                            r ttt                                                tttnesliiso    cii       sa                     c   ngt    iii
                            rnt l                              rn              ditii esaaaesoodebmwdfd                            rr  de     idd
                           rr cdi          oaoaefohinhhhaohh                nhohthhnhnueosnnnsuunhs  rluno                       pp    n     wth
                          heg ob              twaw   tw                   htwwiw  twi w  watasrniaiaaccatiobn                obs       si     ag
                          ender                al     l                  th    esa  d   st  u  por of  ar   ock         bo     die     slikeidio
                          tfi                  rew orks                 ina   wel  l  t   h i nk        of  l   an    gu          ag    eas   aro
                          ck w                ithirre                  gula       r  si  d     e    s  a       nunre  ad           ab    le  r ockw
                          hich                yougo                   on  readingm  er  ri       ly  t       h i   nk  h             ow  ra      wi
                         st he                                        to        nguewher     et  h  e  bo  o   tof  thesu             n  ha       sp
                         inne                                       dthe   to        ngu   e tothe'arth     .w   h  a tisan              ar      mo
                         ?wh                                      att  a  l     k     does               noth o llow    gasi           nth      ede
                         ad?                                     wh          atf ro  n  t     ie r iso    pe              nt          oth     ese
                          dea                                 df                l   u tt eri ngp  a  ge   sw                he      nt       he
                          seai tse           l     fatediousn                      ov     elw                               hoseend      les
                            schar a          cter          sw                      ed                                                 evo
                             ur  wh                         ol                     e                                                sal
                              ea n                           df                                                                   org
                               ett h                          ei                                                                rfi
                                 ns, b                         ec                                                            omes
                                  an i                         rres                                       olvablesubstanceofg
                                   us  tat                       or   yremon                     s trancen
                                    owallt                       hat       caresis       craque
                                     lur ea                       ndc             razi
                                      ng i                         nf
                                       ini t                       er
                                        egre                      ssan
                                         drecu                 rsio   nas
                                          inr              e cu         rcur
                                           curs            e              and
                                            wre                              ckt
                                             he                                obv
                                              er                                 sei
                                               salm ost                            cur
                                                 eorc   a                            re
                                                    bli n  d                          cav
                                                       efish n                        udgeal
                                                         ong as                    ilen    tsto
                                                           neont                hecav        efl
                                                              oor  c            a              ll
                                                               edbodic                          eri
                                                                 ppingsp                         ri
                                                                   ngist  h e                    em
                                                                     eraldsea so                  ns
                                                                         prin gi                   sw
                                                                            henthe                 lu
                                                                                 ridpe              ah
                                                                                   ens               cr
                                                                                    yicra            ve
                                                                                      onlyt          he
                                                                                       coolm        orn
                                                                                         ings      and
                                                                                           arump ledh