Thursday, April 13, 2017

Wards of Sugar Cane Should Stop Them

 succumb bust
 to its water
 seizure flower
 its echo boudica
 enlaureled airport
 fief the bumptious
 ragtime child
 of no glare content orient
 sample circuit temple
 if sluice flow rapture

 succumb to social surgery at last
 and at last succumb
 to alterating and dunibular
 of arcing head stakes
 electrified busts
 are facing multiple
 tesla accordion rapture prisons
 under glass

 is science gay
 is untoward intelligence fleeting
 for what stone promises
 looks after as if casuistry bellow
 when disease retreats behind a poem
 of a perfect sunny day
 their strategic topologies arrayed
 in a landscape of harsh dreams
 and dark elemental instruments
 what behaves is the mystic matter of being

 as reality is purely material
 absolutely material
 it remains purely irrational
 absolutely irrational

 the only rational thing at all
 would be if nothing existed at all
 or everything


 our religion plainly states
 that existence is madness
 and our science
 likes it that way
 the everything atoll delivers
 its agony of first water
 to the new and broken wood

 but only if you become more
 and less

 or creepy

 k-mart for glasnost
 monkeys for long brooding

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