Thursday, March 18, 2010


|8888888P ________ Y888888b ___d88888888888888888b________ |
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|888P ,' `. Y88888888888P Y888888888888b |
| / | Y88888P Y8888b |
| | d 88888 |
|_ \....tapping its foot..(which gives away the location 8888P |
|8b_ w of its exact presence) d8888 |
|888b , -'''''`. ,.. n ,.____d8888P |
|888P ,' | .' _..._ __ ,,-8888888888P |
|88P | ,.i \. \... a /' '| d88b ,__/888\88888888b |
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|888888888b c \ umn' Y8888888888._/ /8888 |
|8888888---.. ha glimpse \ s ,,-8888888888bb-..-' Y88P |
| d88888P `. __,,- `klub evau /d888888888888888b_:._ |
| /888P \,,'' __of its __|88888888888888888888|8b. |
| /8888 |\ /' e _____d8888888888888888888888/888b| |
| |888P `+--' r d888888888888-8888888888888-888888| |
| |888 | ____ r Y88888888P ,888888888888888888888P |
| 8888b_ ,i___d8888b i Y8888888b |Y888888888-''Y8888P-. |
| Y8\888b_____/d8888888888 b Y888888b|_8888888/ _..._ \ |
| Y88-88888-888888888888P le face Y888888888888/|,' `. \ |
| _d888888888888888888P Y888888888|8b\ / |_____|
|d88888_d888888888b_ d888888888|88 `-...-' _|88888|
|8888888888888888888b ___d888888888888P d/888888|
|Y8888888888888888888b______ ___d8888888888888888. /88888P |
| _8888888888888888888888888b___d888888888888888888888b_ ,d88888P |
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| Y88P Y\88888888888888888888888888888P' \Y8888888b_d88888888 |
| |88888888888888888888888888P | | Y8888888888888888b |
| ,' \ / Y888888P Y8888b |

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Irrony Observes The Earthing.