Monday, February 28, 2011
Strange spam I get.
Here is the spam's message, and below, my response:
----- Original Message -----
From: Hebe
To: solipsis
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:44 AM
Subject: re
We can turn any sexy picture into a handmade oil painting on canvas.
We can paint ANY picture.
If you are interested, please email us the picture you would like painted and receive an exact quote.
------ My Response ---------
I would like a painting of a kick line of green skinned George Washington headed sexy-babes
whose powdered wigs are instead dollops of neon blue shaving cream with jumbo-spermatazoa
swimming inside modeled on tadpoles. As in the tradition of Bob Dobbs's "Giant sperm cell with a skeleton that fell from space like a meteor", I would like my sperm to have the skeleton.
Also, the nipples of the George Washington headed Rockette Sexy babes can be little red faced Abraham Lincoln heads
and the nipples would be the top-hats coming through the aureola man-hole.
Thank you.
I will await your quote.
----- Original Message -----
From: Hebe
To: solipsis
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:44 AM
Subject: re
We can turn any sexy picture into a handmade oil painting on canvas.
We can paint ANY picture.
If you are interested, please email us the picture you would like painted and receive an exact quote.
------ My Response ---------
I would like a painting of a kick line of green skinned George Washington headed sexy-babes
whose powdered wigs are instead dollops of neon blue shaving cream with jumbo-spermatazoa
swimming inside modeled on tadpoles. As in the tradition of Bob Dobbs's "Giant sperm cell with a skeleton that fell from space like a meteor", I would like my sperm to have the skeleton.
Also, the nipples of the George Washington headed Rockette Sexy babes can be little red faced Abraham Lincoln heads
and the nipples would be the top-hats coming through the aureola man-hole.
Thank you.
I will await your quote.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
some stuff to check out.
I would like to make two recommendations in I guess you might call Japanese studies, or entertainments ala Japonaise.
The first is David Mitchell's book The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet, and the second is a film
by Yoji Yamada called The Hidden Blade.
Both of these are very excellent if you like such things. I am reading the Mitchell book currently
and taking my time, as it is truly excellent.
The first is David Mitchell's book The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet, and the second is a film
by Yoji Yamada called The Hidden Blade.
Both of these are very excellent if you like such things. I am reading the Mitchell book currently
and taking my time, as it is truly excellent.
to what chaomantic oeuvres contain
chaomantic the oeuvre
for what chasm grasps
dirt or air defend
in kind
eye flayed open upon
what breach, pen and pons
might manifest between
chaomantic nodding
where abraham the glutton
dirt or heir
and deepen the knight
whose obsidian and mirrored hull
must hide
a luminous glue, chaomantic thudding
fume, and
prow run up a ground
the sky
or clouds
loud laughing proud
some unknown sense to vary
infinite darkness only thin
to infinite asymmetry
to switch out under
the passing screens
mules and queens
to replicate in a fold
to fan
that river of screens
chaomantic the huddling
for if the knight
is a stone in the air
if music proceed at all
if night
a black mantis stair
to what asymmetry
would infinite chasm
retain no awl
some laid art on
as refrain
but harm any lesser
known call to wind
or fame
its clouds
seem friendly
if for lore
and drain'd
lore that ne'er
would thrive
without domain
names hurry
through its wide or
unfathomable membrane
and course on
to the day
and wait there
as a stone
in the shadow
to remain
no more upon
the spiny vein
for what chasm grasps
dirt or air defend
in kind
eye flayed open upon
what breach, pen and pons
might manifest between
chaomantic nodding
where abraham the glutton
dirt or heir
and deepen the knight
whose obsidian and mirrored hull
must hide
a luminous glue, chaomantic thudding
fume, and
prow run up a ground
the sky
or clouds
loud laughing proud
some unknown sense to vary
infinite darkness only thin
to infinite asymmetry
to switch out under
the passing screens
mules and queens
to replicate in a fold
to fan
that river of screens
chaomantic the huddling
for if the knight
is a stone in the air
if music proceed at all
if night
a black mantis stair
to what asymmetry
would infinite chasm
retain no awl
some laid art on
as refrain
but harm any lesser
known call to wind
or fame
its clouds
seem friendly
if for lore
and drain'd
lore that ne'er
would thrive
without domain
names hurry
through its wide or
unfathomable membrane
and course on
to the day
and wait there
as a stone
in the shadow
to remain
no more upon
the spiny vein
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Lamb Prawn's Sufi
you're a wonderful chalice in sewing
now which once should it merry
you look very well
upon the tike of tied writes
hiss sparrion
now about christmas
i can fry fuhror carrion
yes there came a blonde clamor
blonde beard clams
[ding ding
[ding ding
JAMES MASON's pure crochet tromp loyal admiral
row for bot
any bay
any bay for bots
water in a bay
heavy thick and wax-like water
you are the sleep sick sexy
of blonde clamors
gone christmas in hyle
[ding ding
[ding ding
I'd like to know however people
these tall lamb lamps
these gigantic lamb-pods hovering
these ottoman lamb-pupas
shining in the noisoleum
these lamb-pupa sentries wearing turbans ajutted with flintlocks
and carbines
the triumph loyal lamb-furred brain-pod-lamps
hovering over the yellow river
this ceramic dam
all decorated with grotesque balconies
like masks whose tiaras
are people waggling
their illuminated lamb-pupa through
bifurcating witch drum-dendrites
into martini ceviche'
these chinese ottomans
on lamb furred ceramic saddles
riding wild bifurcating mandibles
motorized and bucking mandibles
that go inside the gills
the jerky gills
that sigh silky bubbles
of lamb-prods
why do however people become
mask follicles martini
cave boats?
when we enter deep cave waterfall balconies
in our illuminated ceramic lamb-masks
do our lamb-bustles vibrate
and release bucking mandibles
through hip grilles?
are a wonderful chalice in sewing
and if a tapir should haul fleecy harrows
on into bony halls
give your hot dog lamb springs
to however any
turkey paws
gleaming giants heads
are used as architecture underground!
now which once should it merry
you look very well
upon the tike of tied writes
hiss sparrion
now about christmas
i can fry fuhror carrion
yes there came a blonde clamor
blonde beard clams
[ding ding
[ding ding
JAMES MASON's pure crochet tromp loyal admiral
row for bot
any bay
any bay for bots
water in a bay
heavy thick and wax-like water
you are the sleep sick sexy
of blonde clamors
gone christmas in hyle
[ding ding
[ding ding
I'd like to know however people
these tall lamb lamps
these gigantic lamb-pods hovering
these ottoman lamb-pupas
shining in the noisoleum
these lamb-pupa sentries wearing turbans ajutted with flintlocks
and carbines
the triumph loyal lamb-furred brain-pod-lamps
hovering over the yellow river
this ceramic dam
all decorated with grotesque balconies
like masks whose tiaras
are people waggling
their illuminated lamb-pupa through
bifurcating witch drum-dendrites
into martini ceviche'
these chinese ottomans
on lamb furred ceramic saddles
riding wild bifurcating mandibles
motorized and bucking mandibles
that go inside the gills
the jerky gills
that sigh silky bubbles
of lamb-prods
why do however people become
mask follicles martini
cave boats?
when we enter deep cave waterfall balconies
in our illuminated ceramic lamb-masks
do our lamb-bustles vibrate
and release bucking mandibles
through hip grilles?
are a wonderful chalice in sewing
and if a tapir should haul fleecy harrows
on into bony halls
give your hot dog lamb springs
to however any
turkey paws
gleaming giants heads
are used as architecture underground!
More Rare Films
Die Zeit ist unser Krieg!
(released in England as _The Last Experiment_)
1977 LUX A team of six Nazi scientists complete their 'temporal transduction device'
at the close of WWII, and escape in it to various times, one of which is ancient
Egypt where they 'correct' time by removing Moses' twin from the basket in the river.
They finally settle in the far future and begin retraining the Aryan / Eloi people in agriculture and the sciences, and doing battle with the Morlocks. Camilla Sparv
and Alexandra Kluge star.
Savvaļas pamati
1965 LVA The story of a visionary woman who finds the answers to life's mysteries in her dreams,
and wanders in a wilderness singing to anyone who will listen to her extraordinary and magical
voice. She also becomes the caretaker of an enchanted tree which can also sing. Vija Artmane
Bukimina kiri [Creepy Fog]
1981 JPN A pair of ancient Greek youth are taken by an enchanted ship to a small Japanese island
controlled by ghosts and monsters. The youths trick the naughty ghosts into building them a house and use lightning and loud sounds to disturb the odd creatures. Unfortunately one of the Greek youths falls prey to a jungle fungus and becomes deformed. Naomi Tani.
(released in England as _The Last Experiment_)
1977 LUX A team of six Nazi scientists complete their 'temporal transduction device'
at the close of WWII, and escape in it to various times, one of which is ancient
Egypt where they 'correct' time by removing Moses' twin from the basket in the river.
They finally settle in the far future and begin retraining the Aryan / Eloi people in agriculture and the sciences, and doing battle with the Morlocks. Camilla Sparv
and Alexandra Kluge star.
Savvaļas pamati
1965 LVA The story of a visionary woman who finds the answers to life's mysteries in her dreams,
and wanders in a wilderness singing to anyone who will listen to her extraordinary and magical
voice. She also becomes the caretaker of an enchanted tree which can also sing. Vija Artmane
Bukimina kiri [Creepy Fog]
1981 JPN A pair of ancient Greek youth are taken by an enchanted ship to a small Japanese island
controlled by ghosts and monsters. The youths trick the naughty ghosts into building them a house and use lightning and loud sounds to disturb the odd creatures. Unfortunately one of the Greek youths falls prey to a jungle fungus and becomes deformed. Naomi Tani.
Friday, February 25, 2011
rãrir vÿ rãgró tóg tï
The sun dries the bean.
kÿnkÿr vÿ të
The parrot flies.
In this light, against the impoverishment of life Husserl suggests to concentrate on the study of life-world (Lebenswelt).
Intensity, complexity and changing frequencies prevent rodents from getting
Sand units were removed from the transit-time curves, leaving only the mud- ... In contrast to this, the sonic response for the Hides and Elevala-1 wells

However music is not only the pure and simple "pictorial" exposure of several harmonies; what is perhaps even more significant, it also consists in a succession, regulated in time, of a series of harmonies.
Ryoichi Kurokawa @ SONIC ACTS XII 2008 (Excerpt) from Sonic Acts on Vimeo.

rãrir vÿ rãgró tóg tï
The sun dries the bean.
kÿnkÿr vÿ të
The parrot flies.
In this light, against the impoverishment of life Husserl suggests to concentrate on the study of life-world (Lebenswelt).
Intensity, complexity and changing frequencies prevent rodents from getting
Sand units were removed from the transit-time curves, leaving only the mud- ... In contrast to this, the sonic response for the Hides and Elevala-1 wells
"Duobus autem modis ordinem percipere possumus; altero, quo lex vel regula nobis iam est cognita, et ad eam rem propositam examinamus; altero, quo legem ante nescimus atque ex ipsa partium rei dispositione inquirimus, quaenam ea sit lex, quae istam structuram produxerit. Exemplum horologii supra allatum ad modum priorem pertinet; iam enim est cognitus scopus seu lex partium dispositionis, quae est temporis indicatio; ideoque horologium examinantes dispicere debemus, an structura talis sit, qualem scopus requirit. Sed si numerorum seriem aliquam ut hanc 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 etc. ascipio nescius, quae eorum progressionis sit lex, tum paullatim eos numeros inter se conferens deprehendo quemlibet esse duorum antecedentium summam hancque esse legem eorum ordinis affirmo."
"Posterior modus percipiendi ordinis ad musicam praecipue spectat" [OO, 3a, I, 226]
Ryoichi Kurokawa @ SONIC ACTS XII 2008 (Excerpt) from Sonic Acts on Vimeo.
ŋañjuḷa-ŋini-ʔwala | ŋu-yerk-gaŋiñ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
eye-1sg.poss-from | 1sg.3sg-come.out-caus.pst.punct | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
‘I removed it from my eye.’
Thursday, February 24, 2011
tune sexes of syntaxis where abnexus negates some generative vex or voxium
ode abfoon the spittle glows
mixed there boon in rakers
rural tithes these
kid horn towns
bright tingling
in musculature
red caretakers
to slip out from egg-like
in houses like green fists
their body
their not of languaged sustance
suspanse / irral
any truth of language
any truth of substance
repair riparian
how horns like ripe flames
conceal the gods
our game pieces
our grid
urging globular kettles
through hoops of orange mange
the electric
ensnared in the rearing
hulls of mirrors
multiplying univocity's
mixed there boon in rakers
rural tithes these
kid horn towns
bright tingling
in musculature
red caretakers
to slip out from egg-like
in houses like green fists
their body
their not of languaged sustance
suspanse / irral
any truth of language
any truth of substance
repair riparian
how horns like ripe flames
conceal the gods
our game pieces
our grid
urging globular kettles
through hoops of orange mange
the electric
ensnared in the rearing
hulls of mirrors
multiplying univocity's
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The Dark Play Right By Houses
`ta hdel pmura dna sgni nro mlooc eh tylno ev arciy rc sne ha epdir ul ehtneh ws ig nirp sn os aesdlare me e h tsign ir psgnipp ire cidobde ll a c roo lfe vaceh tnoen otst neli sa gno laegdu n hsife vac d n ilb er a croe ruc tso mlas ies re vbo eh tkc erw dna e sruc rucr uc e rni san oisr ucerd nass erge re t ini fn i gn izar cdn ae rul euqarc siserac tah tllawo necnart s nomery ro tat su gfoecnatsbuselbavlo serr i na semo ce b ,sn ifr ie h tte gro fd n ae las e lo hw ru ove de ws retc a rahcs sel dneesoh wle vo nsuoidetaf l est iaes eh tn eh ws eg a pgn ire tt u l fd aed ese hto tn ep osi r ei t n or fta hw ?da ede htn isag woll o hton seod k l a tta hw? om ra nasit a h w. htra'ehtot e ugn ot ehtd enni ps ah n useht fot o ob e h te rehweugn ot eh ts iw ar wo h kn i h t yl ir re mgnidaer no oguoy hcih wkco r el ba da ernun a s e d is r alug errihti w kc ora sae ga ug na l fo kn i h t l lew ani skro wer ift oidiekils eid ob kco ra fo rop u ts d ase ht l la redne ga is sbo nboitaccaaiainrsataw w iwt wiwwth wt wawt bo geh htw n pp onulr shnuusnnnsoeunhnhhthohn hhoahhhnihofeaoao idc rr ddi ed rr dfdwmbedooseaaase iitid nr l tnr iii tgn c as iic osiilsenttt ttt r ncuhniad te ftn nche da l ow en rnc rant r r fe el h hhpe k hn ke eh ae gge e r mb reir alsar os fte f eti eiri sr r ur ac eove rct a q ltnefr a e h srasnt hy ero oan rc lasec euezu rc si gl naeeod l'nh ooa rf l ca lf j jgw 6niaov trk cri eta e on e ednekaa eew ud eik llla vnesu srnlh nl stlts d ta rd ag lkle degcer ieg u acov, ee ee iddn t br gb u ae w si fu og rt ef as da ae? oah to aoll nt o s n y ji77g ir n r e bbs id rer. ho wea gih mggu eeec gl eo sm etor ud ea snu sa uec cu fioi nrai nct sr s ohsl sn?t os os gos 'o hetma uoof rc ie ta sres ae rnto tnt ekd dc ts aot pg th ae a fp hm ocv ee hu h edss is oe a z 6ewo jjo hj rt ernoe eir tl dr yel il tn aeuibrnlsogwptilngq ozi sg o unrooite zg e6q en i7gjjuj 1w ngm orr cs wpueckkj le ager ks sba lg arrc eedesiiekrw r esl nw auv ym aooamyvuawn lser wrk ei is edeecrragru ovedl abs sk r e galjkkceu ps crro mgnw se ga p1jujjg7i neq6egze tio orn uo izoqgnl i tpwgos li 1b iu e antl zj rd lt ri ee o usag wol loj hoj jow e6z a eos issd eh uj ojm hpf aeah tgq jcdd ke t n h gge rs ateicrfo on7 ho's o g so sot ji e u gn ott cnia rn ij nn us eht fo u nsa ed u ro uo ee ug n o te htsi eug gm hig a ee nwyli rr emgnid aer nog 7 7 i jynsotn ll g uqkc o re l isweau7ge 6s ed is ralu d e lk l 76ekco rasae ga ugnalal llki iz g llewaniskro we ri ftoidiek in6w gjjflacn jzkc na yroputsda seht llaru6sk ci til ops'na mow llaeatfwn ger amwer bstid ehcrocs ss e ln uafijkc aj e l br am eht gni da fretnij sk cit il op s' namo wlla htraee loht ahera mwerb sti dehc rocss s el nua fo tkcaj el br am eht gn idafretni
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Stick
there is a tame bird
that lives inside the hero's shoe
it's not altogether tame
and the shoe is a single
the hero
having wandered around
singing all day
still has not found any work
here's the bird
putting down a stick
in front the hero
like a cat puts down
a mouse
"i could use this stick
to get a job."
that lives inside the hero's shoe
it's not altogether tame
and the shoe is a single
the hero
having wandered around
singing all day
still has not found any work
here's the bird
putting down a stick
in front the hero
like a cat puts down
a mouse
"i could use this stick
to get a job."
this is the part where the hero
is going on a little ledge over a precipice
and he's leading a miniature donkey
called Wallet
to Granny's vineyard where Wallet
can get some free grass from Nature
The hero is unemployed
but is trying to help Wallet
get some grass at Granny's
that's the goddamned story
the hero sucks
i know
but he's all
Wallet's got
is going on a little ledge over a precipice
and he's leading a miniature donkey
called Wallet
to Granny's vineyard where Wallet
can get some free grass from Nature
The hero is unemployed
but is trying to help Wallet
get some grass at Granny's
that's the goddamned story
the hero sucks
i know
but he's all
Wallet's got
love endlessly voracious,
and march near to proceding aminta,
the tessitura rising ever higher on
the etched marks of the crystalline tympanum
entithenai (Citroën / linocracy)
each put an eye out on the center
from the center (the grey brain-eye that swells inside the talisman)
where a luxury motorcycle has melted into contacts
its Lynceus linked to flow, to the reversals
enacted by Medea, her terateia to be hinged upon
secret pharmaka within a hollow koilon
all time lost that is not lost tending love (morotyche)
love is will.
knoisweldge is ondlussly devasive.
only can this [plate]
weld the sense by sparkings (dolos)
enemy to be other senses of self
and other senses the structure of self itself
within the (monticuticle)
love enters cochlea
where the motorcycle lay empty
and Medea takes up her Media
it is the poem that opened the pithos
not woman [agathos]
and the moep (map) was a pithycycle:
Pandora's enemy is the trickster
whose Lynceus (linocracy)
bears xətt, or knodolos
ento solid ankh
or muertocockle
The ruse of the talismantic line
procedes aminta
all time is lost that is not spent in
serving love
but what [plate]
shall aminta be served in
to Medea
now that my daughters have eaten me
I myself
am Pandolos
a slip of the poet
rides a motorcycle.
On the back of its jacket it says
and in his pocket
the passenger list
of that boat to Buenos
good and erisian
Monday, February 21, 2011
Hera Appears at Samos
fort uday
while editing the crimson macaroni beards
of this trireme hygene
iahappendupontsum summer
macaroon nipple religion
flowing swiss tiki campers
along the emerald anvil skulls
of Martians
once in heat
once in spectral
rebus rubies lectarting
movies, Vitruvius
their squared jaws remain
and the ridges are elongating
into wonders
and if this whole polis plunges into the chasm
with only the wondrous jawbone tied to a shaft
and its ridges elongating into wonders
the island is cut off
and the Martians are annoyed
about watching the surf shovels
display their prowess
on hovering liquid spheroids
the Adriatic
is in some photos
showing its sandy
last year
no known quintuplets
were modified
in psite of the psound
Anaximander's poor babies
could not be removed from the model
in our green lotion
we go on editing crimson macaroni beards
tired stones
sitting in lamplight
fish taking sex
into stuffed gills
flowers cannot hurt us
tasty Martians
stupite u redove!
the rootin' green jellybean
is covered with a fine sac of white hair
and moves up inside the lighthouse
to attack the nemesis
moves up inside the lighthouse
that is fang rock
the rootin' was once
a fat boat riverman
he took a chrome baton
and hid it behind the furnace
what color robin?
i know we're hunting iron bow
the rootin' tuttle chair
it could be a hairy blue chair
with green spots
like half-dry sticky
mint jam
that sea jelly with white hair
he's comin' with a battleship
to old Mississippi
this here power genre
got on the lookout man's
you can't step on
a hairy green jellybean
they could wear a Greek fishin'
rootin' in fang rock
rootin' in nemesis pockets
fire engine red
that cannon for a diamond
you think a diamond fired
through a hairy green jellybean
by a fire engine red cannon
don't make christmas
carp all fruitcake
i saw the look out's car-crash
hoverin' above the lens
each bubble in that jellybean's
white-haired transparent
armless legless head
is a language
a fruitcake halo
looks at a rootin' battleship
that's a doll
hanging out the window
Brute Cavester!
convenient urban spiral to crystal chairman:
your plenum of ingredients vary in the mercy
of the boogimanse; by what tenets do
your circumscribed signature unglue
the misery of vestments to afford
the bisque of a roulette's lotterina?
crystal chairman replies:
rustic comparator, luminous dexterities
have always habituated pectoral garlands
when prismatic vaults were shook by
galleon infused oculi whose auspicial
creditors moved much camorra
through abapical biolcus.
the urban spiral distends to line:
how can we resort to sadly curving
floral galleons, when ragout veneers
are transposed onto tenuous quantum precautions,
and palatial similitudes wander awidgeon'd
in festive gourmands?
crystal chairman:
ho! house fry! jourmundus! is the generative
world our fullest feast? what is today's world? is it
great or golden? is it the lore of goo writ gerrily?
what honey rogues testate in the passes? what groaning
opens for the circuit bank the short-stall? i think you'll
see bellow for fellow the time bank is free for all
any order becoming it, and for all that the clout
of dead men is still a midday spear!
urban spiral:
there is no such animal! in transit
would any avantum's measure trage
the symbullum...
[they disappear entangled by neighther]
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