Dark Ink Amoeba, you who conch
conch conch conch conch
italian seal flipper movie
weeee stealing heddy again
mammoth with needle legs
kussing hussies in grandma's stockings
kissing M een
Inky Doodle!
where waves of whales
would wish they were king
oodling out to see
blah brain tiny tim mobile
its grasshopper steam
to purple a hangy square
steaming hats all day in a livery
by the sea
sober as a dog
by a stove with a wind pipe
and hang nail
kussing een
kissing teens can doodle
in the sea
where magic flippers pee
bright undulums of doodles
can pee where brights moons did dee
on their caps
like peas
dark amoeba peas
of ink to the sea
and dark whole beds
to drip like sponges of ink
whittling your face
from pee
break out!
brrrrake out the faces!
what moon could ever face the pea
that any inky amoeba could see
Mayans got up croistershires
have a bunny in your skull flute champaigne?
dry old bunny saucers.
skinny bunny aliens
long green teeth
blue carrots
limp blue carrots
break out!
break out Professor Long horn!
Is your moon of tawny roses
the Ottoman Empire in the Lurch?
look here at these enormous platters of mirth!
steaming with pees.