Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Dark Play Right By Houses

                                                hdel pmura
                                               dna      sgni
                                              nro        mlooc
                                              eh          tylno
                                              ev            arciy
                                              rc               sne
                                               ha              epdir
                                                ul                 ehtneh
                                                ws                   ig nirp
                                                 sn                  os aesdlare
                                                  me                    e h  tsign
                                                  ir                         psgnipp
                                                  ire                          cidobde
                                                    ll              a            c  roo
                                                     lfe        vaceh                tnoen
                                                      otst    neli                    sa gno
                                                         laegdu                        n hsife
                                                            vac                          d  n ilb
                                                              er                            a   croe
                                                               ruc                            tso mlas
                                                                 ies                                 re
                                                                   vbo                                eh
                                                                     tkc                              erw
                                                                        dna              e            sruc
                                                                         rucr         uc e              rni
                                                                            san   oisr                 ucerd
                                                                               nass                      erge
                                                                                re                       t ini
                                                                                fn                         i gn
                                                               izar             cdn                       ae rul
                                                      euqarc       siserac       tah                       tllawo
                                           necnart s                     nomery   ro                       tat  su
                        gfoecnatsbuselbavlo                                       serr                         i na
                    semo                                                            ce                         b ,sn
                  ifr                                                                ie                          h tte
                gro                                                                   fd                           n ae
              las                                                e                     lo                         hw  ru
            ove                                                 de                      ws          retc          a rahcs
         sel      dneesoh                               wle     vo                      nsuoidetaf     l           est iaes
      eh       tn      eh                ws   eg  a  pgn ire tt u   l                fd                                 aed
    ese     hto          tn              ep    osi r ei     t  n  or fta          hw                                     ?da
  ede      htn           isag    woll o hton               seod     k     l  a  tta                                      hw?
  om      ra              nasit a  h   w.     htra'ehtot e   ugn        ot   ehtd                                       enni
 ps       ah  n             useht  fot   o  ob  e  h  te     rehweugn        ot                                        eh ts
  iw      ar  wo             h  kn   i h       t  yl       ir  re  mgnidaer  no                   oguoy                hcih
  wkco r  el    ba           da  ernun       a  s    e     d  is  r       alug                  errihti                w kc
    ora   sae    ga          ug    na   l  fo        kn i h   t  l  lew   ani                 skro wer                  ift
     oidiekils     eid     ob         kco   ra  fo rop  u  ts   d  ase    ht                  l     la                redne
     ga     is       sbo                nboitaccaaiainrsataw  w iwt  wiwwth                   wt   wawt              bo geh
     htw     n    pp                       onulr  shnuusnnnsoeunhnhhthohn                hhoahhhnihofeaoao          idc rr
     ddi     ed  rr                            dfdwmbedooseaaase iitid              nr                              l tnr
      iii    tgn   c                     as       iic    osiilsenttt                                                ttt r
         ncuhniad   te                 ftn          nche da l  ow               en                                    rnc
         rant   r   r  fe             el         h    hhpe k  hn               ke                                   eh ae
         gge  e  r    mb                        reir   alsar os              fte                                   f  eti
         eiri     sr    r                     ur  ac      eove           rct                                       a   q
          ltnefr    a  e  h                 srasnt  hy      ero        oan                                            rc
            lasec euezu  rc si             gl naeeod          l'nh    ooa                                         rf   l
                      ca   lf j            jgw                   6niaov                                        trk   cri
                        eta  e on  e                                 ednekaa                                     eew  ud
                          eik     llla                                   vnesu                                  srnlh nl
                            stlts      d ta                                                                    rd    ag
                               lkle degcer ieg                                                                       u
                                       acov, ee                              ee iddn                             t  br
                                         gb  u ae                            w    si                          fu    og
                                          rt  ef  as                       da   ae?                           oah  to
                                           aoll    nt                     o  s  n                            y  ji77g
                                             ir n  r e                  bbs   id                             rer. ho
                                              wea  gih                   mggu                                   eeec
                                                gl    eo                 sm                                etor  ud
                                                  ea  snu                         sa                           uec
                                                  cu  fioi                      nrai                       nct  sr
                                                   s                          ohsl                           sn?t
                                                   os                        os                         gos   'o
                                                  hetma                                                    uoof
                                                 rc ie ta                                              sres  ae
                                                rnto    tnt                                           ekd   dc
                                                ts        aot                                         pg   th
                                                ae a    fp                                           hm   ocv
                                               ee hu     h                                          edss is
                                              oe  a       z                                       6ewo  jjo
                                              hj  rt                                                 ernoe
                                             eir  tl                                             dr   yel
                                             il   tn                                               aeuibrnlsogwptilngq
                                            ozi   sg                                           o unrooite              zg
                                            e6q   en                                           i7gjjuj 1w               ngm
                                            orr   cs                                          wpueckkj  le  ager         ks
                                            sba   lg                                          arrc       eedesiiekrw      r
                                            esl   nw                                             auv   ym aooamyvuawn    lser
                                            wrk   ei                                              is      edeecrragru    ovedl
                                            abs   sk                                               r     e  galjkkceu    ps crro
                                            mgnw   se                                               ga     p1jujjg7i     neq6egze
                                             tio  orn                                                uo     izoqgnl     i   tpwgos
                                              li   1b                                               iu  e    antl      zj   rd   lt
                                              ri    ee                                                  o   usag      wol loj    hoj
                                              jow     e6z   a                                              eos       issd eh   uj ojm
                                               hpf     aeah tgq                                          jcdd     ke    t       n  h gge
                                                rs       ateicrfo                                       on7     ho's o  g     so      sot
                                                 ji  e    u   gn                                      ott      cnia rn        ij nn us eht
                                                  fo u                                              nsa                     ed    u     ro
                                                   uo ee                                          ug                         n  o  te   htsi
                                                   eug   gm                                    hig                         a    ee      nwyli
                                                      rr     emgnid                         aer                         nog 7  7 i     jynsotn
                                                        ll   g                          uqkc                           o    re  l     isweau7ge
                                                        6s ed   is                  ralu                                d  e lk l   76ekco rasae
                                                        ga ugnalal                llki                                  iz g       llewaniskro  we
                                                       ri  ftoidiek           in6w                                                gjjflacn       jzkc
                                                      na  yroputsda         seht                                                llaru6sk
                                                      ci  til ops'na    mow                                                   llaeatfwn
                                                    ger  amwer    bstid                                                     ehcrocs ss
                                                    e   ln     uafijkc                                                      aj e  l
                                                   br  am eht gni
                                                   da fretnij
                                                  sk  cit
                                                 s'      namo                     wlla
                                                  htraee     loht               ahera
                                                                mwerb          sti
                                                                    dehc   rocss
                                                                       el              nua
                                                                       fo             tkcaj
                                                                           gn  idafretni