Friday, April 1, 2011

One Mug Mona's Giant Earring

as the poem is tzimtzum, then so shall be
the words of his mouth

I'm forking joking. I was sitting here just making coffee, and poking around to see what memory threads had dropped off. my memory of late, and the pressure of my internal flow have been sputtering. i am missing some data. a lot of data apparently, i had on board for years, and while sad, i feel it's time to just make more data, whatever, the skin suit is still here, and i think it can still make and store a few memories, i hope. So after all this heady amazement at looking over Benn again, his wild, sad, depressing, insane prose, and I mean, I'm like a real Addams, I get giddy over this stuff, when I find a new 'poems of the insane' book, I always buy it. I'm forking joking. No, anyway, I was just thinking this morning that I needed to write about irronism, and then this tzimtzum theological concept found its way in, and lo and behold, what came up to greet it, holography.

Hmmmm. Good brain. The reason this is a fortuitous meeting is that Irronism as a method, is roughly analogous to the peering into a piece of the hologram idea, its that window into something from anything.
Think of Irronism as poetic subspace, or monism as rhizome. Now this is pretty heady stuff. I think you kids should go get your teacher and bring them over here, because I am on FIAH. I'm forking joking. Anyway.
This Tzimtzum thing, aside from its firiggin cool ass name, is very very pomo I think, or at least poetic. Here is
short version from wp:

Tzimtzum (Hebrew צמצום ṣimṣūm "contraction" or "constriction") is a term used in the kabbalistic teaching of Isaac Luria, explaining his concept that God began the process of creation by "contracting" his infinite light in order to allow for a "conceptual space" in which a finite and seemingly independent world could exist. This contraction, forming an "empty space" (חלל הפנוי) in which creation could begin, is known as the Tzimtzum.

More or less, the rest of it is a discussion on the paradox of "has the actor left the stage or not".. Is God in Nature, or did he just build it, or does he dip down and dot an eye with a quill etc.. And I say he, just because if God is a jewish woman, her head could be cleverly redesigned as a neck pelvis. forking. etc.
You know. Maybe. :)  Where was I?

So in Irronism, and Irronism is sort of like a Multi-stability but with a memory of its origin that continues to free associate. So if a 'green bird' somehow pops out of 'black lightning', the lightning may suddenly just turn green, or become feathered lightninng, etc.

So, right at this moment I'm asking myself, how did Tzimtzum and holography think they were related again?
Because right now Tzimtzum is sort of seeming like the whole Buddhist void and fullness thing but without the cool eastern poetic resignation. The west seems always to want to be right, and or, to figure out ways of bullshitting itself. The east on the other hand, has a way of just saying, reaallly, fuck it. And I mean this. The void and fullness is both a cop-out, and the actual truth, but then my saying that is very neurotically Western.
Tzimtzum sounds like

Sim(ulation Sum(mation
and then there's a jag like a SKRAK! wave form

Tzimtzum even sounds sort of like an Israeli Television company or station.

Good Evening. This is Tzimtzum news.
We don't know whether the fuck agency is still here
or even really gives a fuck other than the whole shit house
has still not gone up in flames, only
a lot of the shit house keeps repeatedly going into flames, which
isn't good, but maybe that's a sign, that the old tribal bastard
has a sense of humor, or is a prick, etc. I'm forking.

What would literary holography look like. Would it be some kind of code, that could be made
into a picture if your brain was trained properly? Or would it just be natural language written slightly
different. In the eighties, when I was about 18-19, I met a guy, and artist named Ed Benson.
And we would you know, do drugs and stuff, hang out, and just talk a lot about alchemy and holography,
and junk. He called it art junk. Well actually he didn't call it that, another guy. another story.
Anyway, I think I still have the journals but at one point he challenged me to write some holographic poems.
And so I tried naively to write such a thing, and the odd thing was I started by creating a notation form.
sort of like the symbols they use in logic. Now I don't have these things in front of me, but I remember
working from the golden apple of Eris idea, but just as an image might have this or that charge.

So a simple notational 'holographic' poem might look like this:

[pandora's box]^(golden apple)~
[golden apple]^(pandora's box)

now what this means is that

A. There is a 'golden apple' made from x number of pandora's box, and I suppose you put a number

[pandora's box:5000]^(golden apple)

that would be a visual aid.
Then when the golden apple goes inside the brackets, it is actually made of pandora's boxes,
but in the next line of notation and lets redo it

[golden apple:10000]^(pandora's box)

each golden apple of 5000 pandora's boxes becomes a 1/10000
of a larger pandora's box

Now at 18 I wasn't quite so clever, so what I have actually written is a little more vague, but the connection
beteen holography and code is sort of interesting, because, in holography the entire image is encoded
in a physically relative sense onto as much of the substrate as can handle it.

Holography is a technique which enables a light field to be recorded, and reconstructed later when the original light field is no longer present. It is analogous to sound recording where the sound field is encoded in such a way that it can later be reproduced.

Though holography is often referred to as 3D photography, this is a misconception. A photograph represents a single fixed image of a scene, whereas a hologram, when illuminated appropriately, re-creates the light which came from the original scene; this can be viewed from different distances and at different orientations just as if the original scene were present. The hologram itself consists of a very fine random pattern, which appears to bear no relationship to the scene which it has recorded.

Now this is an important element to consider. Especially when thinking about Ed. What Ed was after, I feel now, is a trans-subjectivity that works at least as well as holography. How can we make thought more like light? I mean I guess now I would just say more articulation within a set of natural language elements, Ed.
But is that even what he meant? Where was I?


A very fine random pattern.

A simulation summation even sounds like another word for hologram, or at least, it bears a functional trace
of the process.

Ed used to say we were holograms that were perhaps being beamed into this space somehow, at least I think he used to say things like that. I still have a holography journal that Ed gave me. He had hundreds of issues of this philosophical and scientific holography enthusiast's journal, and Ed had his own holography table that he had build from scrounged and borrowed parts from every department on campus. Now I wish, I had one of those holograms, but I don't. But I do have is some weird holograms of Ed in my head.

Irronism partakes heavily in the Irr as in Irruptive. The first time I can remember seeing that word was in Paul Virilio's The Aesthetics of Disappearance.  But doesn't it jive rather nicely with this:

In the Chabad view, the function of the Tzimtzum was "to conceal from created beings the activating force within them, enabling them to exist as tangible entities, instead of being utterly nullified within their source" [6]. The tzimtzum produced the required "vacated space" (chalal panuiחלל פנוי, chalal חלל), devoid of direct awareness of God's presence.

Tangible. Hmm. I am going to look up the OED entry for Irrupt.

Now I had never done this before, but Irrupt comes from Irrumpere (to break in)
and Erupt comes from Erumpere (to break out), and so while I was irroneously
using Irr to connote odd (broken off)

I proceeded to look for the origins of IR, and first I came upon


[OE., WSax. ierre, irre, later yrre, Angl. iorre, eorre = OS. irri angry, OHG. irri wandering, deranged, angry (MHG. and Ger. irre), Goth. airzeis astray, from OTeut. root *erz-, pre-Teut. *ers-, L. err- (from ers-), in errQre to stray, error wandering. The transition to the sense ‘angry’, seen in OS. and OHG., and completed in OE., arose from the consideration of anger as a wandering or aberration of the mind.]
   1. Gone astray, confused, perverted, depraved. Only in OE.
   a1000 Sol. & Sat. 498 Oððæt his sa¼e bið+yrre ¼eworden.  c1000 Ags. Ps. (Th.) lxxv. 4 Ealle synt yrre [= turbati sunt omnes].  Ibid. lxxvii. 10 Þæt wæs earfoð cynn, yrre and reðe.

   2. Enraged, angry.
   c825 Vesp. Psalter lix. 3 [lx. 1] God ðu+tuwurpe usic, eorre earð.  c855 O.E. Chron. an. 584 Ierre he hwearf þonan to his a¼num.  c897 K. Ælfred Gregory's Past. xl. 289 Þa ierran [v.r. irran] nyton hwæt hie on him selfum habbað.  971 Blickl. Hom. 33 Gif us hwa abyl¼þ, þonne beo we sona yrre.  c1000 Ælfric Gen. xli. 10 Se cyning wæs yrre wið me.  c1000 Ags. Gosp. Matt. xviii. 34 Ða wæs se hlaford yrre [c1160 Hatton eorre].  c1205 Lay. 18597 Forð wende þe eorl, ire [c1275 yr] on his mode.  a1225 Ancr. R. 304 Abuuen us, þe eorre Demare.

Wandering in anger and error. (This is starting to sound good!) 

Not exactly what I meant. I guess I irrigionally just meant is to 'mean'


As in 'Gee this sounds funny'
This makes my dogsnoggin go angular all a suddne'.

But I think there is something to the point in all this.

Every word is a tzimzum space in a sense, and I have often commented on the reflexive qualities of theology.
Theology is linguistics in disguise. Sometimes theologians are knowingly drawing the sandcastles, and sometimes the sandcastles are redrawing the theologians because the autonomy of the sandcastle has overwhelmed the mind.

But look. Any word could mean the whole reality.

All of earth could be characterized as EAR. and in fact, 3/5s of EARTH is EAR.
If you reverse earth you get THREA

which is like three and throw and through talking to ray in an

olden way

Oh yay I caste theen throughnout all thyme und spate

I threa thee
I threa thee
and thou art
of the threa


Judaism uses threads.
The Incas used threads.


Quipo(n) Trucking!

Isn't this gorgeous:

Ealle synt yrre.

In Summation: 

Now that's what I calle


I'm forking.