There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children, she didn't know what to do;
She gave them some broth without any bread;
She whipp'd all their bums, and sent them to bed.
Then out went th' old woman to bespeak 'em a coffin,
And when she came back, she found 'em all a-loffeing.
The nursery rhyme depicted above is actually a clever message about syntaxis, and creativity. A slovenly woman (thought), is materially embodied in language (the shoe). She is so fecund, but her own fecundity is overwhelming. Language's projections are like hungry children. Thought attempts to put aside its models and projections, it's youthful insomnia, and she decides the best thing to do is to kill all projections. But projections do not mind, and each has a life of its own. The rhyme leaves off, because:
A: Unknown to the woman, Dracula has infected all these children and their laughter is devilish and they intend to drink her dry.
B: The children's laughter is infectious, and cheerful, and actually gives the old woman another idea on how to make some money, namely like she has always done, whoring, probably calling on the oldest of the pretty children to learn the naughty yabyum.
C. The children are laughing because they are all scurvy insane and they simply eat her, and then burn the coffin for firewood, and then also eat little Timmy with the club foot and cleft palette.
D. The old woman doesn't see the giant who has returned for his shoe, whom the children have already befriended and have talked into giving over his beard for a home so they can eat the falling crumbs. When asked the children said they would rather be beard mites for steak and cheese, then urchins to a hateful old bag with floppy loins and loose morals.
E. The old woman returns and sort of molts out of her old woman form into that of a supervoluptoid mother with breasts shooting high speed milk lasers which the children like silly doggies try to drink from, comically
getting soaked with life-affirming lactates.

Additional Resources
Online Classes: can help you find English classes to learn more about analyzing nursery rhymes.