Friday, January 25, 2013


Now if the flame red demon genius of the
universal ruse assures we stand lacerated by
new dreams, and if the new noose of supernovas
by which we guide our superfluous muse
is no news, but our inscription's pensive
writhing moves, then our view in the flame red
ruse of the muse, is of a universal igniting.

Now if the flame red engineering demon insure
universal deceit, we would stand lacerated by
new dreams, and if a vise of new supernova
by which we guide our superfluous muse
is not new, but its registration of thoughtful
moves as contortions, then our perspective
in the red flame cunning of muse is
universal inflammation.

Now if the red flaming engineering demon
insures universal excess as deceit standing
lacerated by new dreams, and if, like a
vise, these new supernova by which we guide
our superfluous muse is not new, but is our
'registration form' reflecting contorted moves,
then our perspective in the flame red muse ruse,
is universal inflammation.

Now if the red flaming engineering demon's
insurance is the universal access to deceit,
would we stand enlaced by new dreams
of a vise-like supernova which guides our
superfluous muse's new registration, its form
of contortion a moving reflection which ensues
from our perspective in the flaming red muse's
ruse, which asks then, is 'the universal'
an inflammation?

Now if the devil red flame engineering insure
universal access to defeat, will we be slashed
by new demon dreams, and, if they, like a
vice of new supernova by which we guide
our superfluous music bloom anew, but
become a form of contortion which moves
our reflection's perspective, a trickery of
the flame red muse, then, is the universal
inflammation of use, either as a ruse, or a muse?

Now if engineering the devil red flame
to insure universal access to deceit,
what will we be reduced by these demonic
dreams' new vice's supernova?
What muse directs our superfluous
news, but becomes a form of contention
that moves our thinking's point of view,
a deception of the muse's red flame, it's news?
Is the inflammation of a universal use's news
either a ruse or a muse?

Now, if the genius loci of the red devil flame
insures universal access to deceit, what
will we be reduced to by these demonic
dreams' new Vice-Supernova?
What muse directs our superfluid
new, but becomes a form of contortion's
muse which moves the point of view
of our thinking, deception's flame red muse?
Inflammation is a general purpose.
It's either a ruse, or a muse, or news
that moves, or a moving muse whose
ruse is news.

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