Thursday, August 21, 2014

Gaius Licinius Macer Calvus


ASCII Toga '84

remarkably learned ankles


and fled the country

its hard and laborious
the hours

in which its Sardinian rotten head became

a marriage to charters

a vague white nymph that cuts the nail

Italian before the tosses
beautiful VERONA Vergiliad

He taught the laws
of the holy and dear shapes
of the bodies of the marriage, and built great cities

flourishing inside  Venus

This great gift is worth

the unhappy girl fed bitter grass
at last


My mind is predicting dire things
for themselves, infatuated

pristine fish humm
the great closing pupils with severe sleep

the last of Scylla
cool already
with speedy edge

vergatar vistinis
of Rome

the sun remembers the rest
a perpetual cycle of charters

delivery teeming
carried in the womb of epigrams

now, when I (yellow ash)
perhaps even herself (ash)
veils july
     whatever Bithynia
and Caesar's paramour

The Great, whom everyone fears

his head with one finger

what do you think this man wants for himself?

a husband charters no dining
but sees fragments of the uncertain language
of wine tested

and feet

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