ahu arashi arosh ari
his main head was first
but it was not alf
alf was an alien beast
but the beast came first
there is no curse in moses
things disappearing all the time
abbot botnet bah humbug bahahaha
tiny people
we lived in the skull of a bull
gorgeous green skull
the pink fungi
fringe the nasal bone
what it says in french
tâche tache tsk tsk
brun broe brin bre sprig
mesure measure mazure
nude knot
no node
noeud heure nez nait naît
nitre e caduc eus
fall silent into speech
what innocence was babble
when the whole and unidifferential scene
would play the rape and eating
in its bowells for theater
which no one attended
but all
awl for arc
for non-tonic screw
laugh and enter
la fenêtre
Ce lac dur oublie'
que haunt tres sous
le givre
so lack dear you
bleat keats yule
what cursed the silence best
was beasts
no foul unstable histle
what is a brane but the page of a book
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Irrony Observes The Earthing.