Stone baby
peepee olive oil
need stir fried mermaid world
of the yolk, honeysuckle in baby topiary ceremony,
Orgo the interpretant: it's that actuality xerophyllum
or tenax lone dismay Of air camera move synchronous mist
book pellets? a telescopic tel of bodies, a line
2 tree knees shelving enter between, "labels" packet potential,
and offers itself the paradox of circumscription, ie, vortice yoke
unites Falstaff up as a genitive of Rogers.. It's a beautiful
plumed granular structures involving transparent cell death, a
draft Helonias drew between the rhoorkee artifice and that dull n
disturbed "relational alterity" man,
Bakkhos Strikes Bach. Upper cave art
or later, to lilies smallest rococototient
primordial digitalis no me there is
conclusions' torsocrystal oxyquestion
return 'nile' never ceases and Ulysses shift
from momentary instruments' elan
to lovers stray virginity (read topiairy)
owlfull? owlfuel gup for a slug interplay
between semiosis
and key L fascinating
for abstracted sprinkle dew At English
apoptotic implies both marriage
sequelairn, 林, Bizmuthologoi,
is it semantic, literal(ality)..
hello money, triangu{los}s)
accidental * high urthoniam
barely pan and to his
the sine-sign-syn thesis
perched, prinked, lin lam 임 turn tour
on the death of poetry that hymen(aos)
that dialect[r]ic tiers tough
dry bear gait plant boxes logic
morphologies which may the more quietly
as more in flox fully
configureable but hawks,
the interference as mystery
a conflational opportunity
between Love's mechanism
of programmed lobster yek korbo-ak?
owl Es ain't hellin' trim
Shakespeare or ever following
calling for back eight poor the cupules
of samantha mantis' Hogger,
is it tenax / passion-plays
what that is an tree?
this is harmony
har as linear, ism
Larry grew
He summon'd full epiglottis
"invisible sculpting" which insect be
The life Falstaff, then, as the namelessness
of apoptosis Superb and sole,
this bird could of hungry gloves
fin's fingerling in song
or the brush apes trim the siamese
x-faun flowers caught the breeze..
some such.. marvy poet, that shadow
ta sculpt volum ascop
feathered de Puteaux
and spray That o'er the surface
of inscription for wax
facing cryptic orpheus string general
leafage boldly tongue carpet geodizzy
glaulphax or bosky and ladders
become [pause] the endlessness
and apoptosis bungee?
owl lobster "hellos" being ptah pet.
Fritters of hello are like the paradox
object-subject borne about or dreamed
hermeneutics' or perhaps as 'boundary'
read robber herm 림 series of love
as 'deregulated Crust Characters Resume bassoon
to heidegger cabinet Mess
typic drew The watch
past 9 passions some say
Then down traverse
the asphodel in elysion
to orthonachtigene conglomerate
alpha executes G closely
related rite elisiohm
/per/for/ce/mans/e to grasshopper
made song Midflight,
gangetic yoga irr-i-gaze-eon
tigress of (1,0)void-full(0,1)
day as opposed
fist apple olive
of wholeness the genius
of ugly night
the 'floating signifier'
those moments Horsing In
The camel vertebray... ~=>
clo! clo! ciban banchee [stop]
UTNA Glanguid doves when
the b/r/eak
ladder of abstraction
of yon a pose plastique
found glory Science, this
large as exit E 'neathe family,
flashlight, lingknight index of girl
mistaken totem will the hermeneutic infinite
The flibbetigibbeting
a "drawing-langue" the surface
(like art again. Sweet all birds' ( )..
I up % [snakes german.. Delicious Cave
the original riddle read "blank death,"
no, what headmice scatgild.
to describe and bristle-like
coiled mortal coil microhenries
Johnson yodel napishtim} two-way pahoehoe
ape cave cloacka Chaomuttle, tattoo yelp
the woods within tattoo? full glottal pyxos
or little along The sward, twitched chimney
raiment. Armenilegpapa Loaiasis, nice the siren)
Shakespearean Grotesque, and the he shot, roux,
hang elephant finger? typical interleaving
like thinking ellet gupgup upellepellep
Grammophone for love to me plain: How lightening
( ^studies vulcanism's analogue..
you know Mister 'helenopoly'-----
------------------------mac9onnect phaethusan
ringlets nested polarities of our
in a lobster hukabeaux-ti? chamay
xulu-bhaga. Ogoshi morn in brake avenue.
Whate'er birds did bounced airily reeds
^motors transductions
wateribbon gibbon birth fall of bloody dust.
gelightsupine peaceless bees nozzle Anneal
Quarry knowing pixie · reap bliss for oil ethos,
cave comparison scans CELESTIAL ONE - 18 Who slew
behavioral "pattern" imago Quarry
Ens Anal THE SPINNING whiff Alcelaphus
buselaphus of labyrinth.. flarf is man
the pet "Atmosphäre" für "Himmel"
halloween nazi And Lausulus of ART PAPER
of toy along instead of Quarry Lye Equally
once we vampire breasts are red
strongly craft-negative to a Littlest
water dog this as ape erecting in Tangier
there';s a des schwarzen Blitzes einen
Along disturbed water echo of "Didn't a
Captivity dirty needles in t-shirt
and candy melting of Volsinium, And wasted
the granular glandular of 21st the little
coffins flower cryoform subterranean diopter
highness own 2-pk the orange-tree
`Gramercy, dangling cephalomodulant
acephale parthenon Deep high mountain -
pet pack
with wash it.
olive soda
bottle gold
and squirts out
and shoot
the globes
of wild boar as some
in leafy At Picus brave
the great toy soldier musuem
some which the opportunics,
the golden globes spasmiodelic
interferences mimicking it for thee:
While during the blown out
Over pearl Küche eines Fußhundwanderer
bewohnend feet of equations structural
differential collapses man dawns
the emerald minotaur chestplate
to enter the torcasse
make stone
tried make stone baby sky
My orange-planets:
oil Octo-Go-Round
- - Combine Pedagogs baby peepee
olive oct o proteomic linguistic
transduction a The great with cockney
WALlace a blind flame,
the labyrinth oil in the fears)
And labyrinth at labyrinth hate
wild winter's Roman Three;
fake baby we made
With That Country
durch die the proud
Umbrian's Some Applicataions
bath graph of down Aunus jungle.
Rickety hermit pandora
teflon eyecaps
has labyrinthing.
see monster warden peaceless
beast busy laugh us his
torch cokei [hum] /shiv! Acephallus century
schitzo Water Nest
make in the The robin
laughed bone needles aimlessly
Then peepee olive
IF THOU has orange-tree
With orbits Gnawa feller
and soldiers the rich man's Darted one
makes the buddha's Hungary/Witch mermaid fish
europe laughter lighter wider Stout Lartius hurled keys
toiling our own
his den pipe to pass
iconic baby peepee WHEEL
OF melee blizzard
of the Study XXXIX
reeds of Cosa's bold And green
trees the sad
humm baby peepee olive
to the antefurca sind oil
Kappa night Snarly Query
Annals smells closest
to as under the extensor
The rover of your inner being -- Adeline
make stone bright of down crankwise to sigh,
separate fingers which bob dei = octo-pi brewchi ah,
the orange-tree.'" kleine Fliege, Sie,
beryllium water pet mermaid they dart beneath;
`Time, take Ocnus of clime; My wing is budding
romance · das leben in der a beggar top
of winter's tyranny.' I'll south whine
of season's slave? I'll a water seller
and Format: - wild boar, no such Fish King
elektrischen Apparat in der flowing arf
the gilded arms gruesomnia the imperor
materia who EVERYDAY LIFE Water Music Urgo,
And clove him Comprising the bad german
electro enjoy ya" sequence Horatius a face
scar for but bliss for kongsbergite we
bubble gum its mouth
a opportunistic label-space
of communication
the king of gesticulating opportunism
Sly Nasally Ran Query Nasally spite --
The plays the black Falerii oil pet pets animal
Intercourse aristocrat car
overturned burning colloidal
confete-e of the mouth hand slaughtered men,
reliquary of stone baby peepee
through the green heiniken during fiery thrust;
how make stone baby baby peepee olive lapis honey in store
Some seashore Amidst the bourg machine
armor coruscates across Seius, THE SILVER
And minstrelsy. If that I I Am veins btter
to the candy dyes auction-
listings.asp?s=Fridges make stone snowflakes
are tugged teeth; mermaid or the well fOR me --
Sunlight, keep my some Syrian only meme-projector-
recorders there is no call down gibbering hydrozoans
gorgonian olive oil parts are Heinz Funk word sort of
non-repeatable images fed with a wind
over a Added: March make stone orange-tree:
"Ho, windy animals as cakes quaky pretty
to anterior thigh Quarry En Anally but
gray and swam around / mayfly margin cyborg
melts apiece burnt or character black to the sun
thee under baby peepee rivers of awkward metal
ThaMEs punch and judy Narrative of Clashed
in the of Objects with make stone code material,
labyrinth utilizing wave us seconds)
File Albinia's shore. mohawk ray blankly
at the Into the stream punk kraken venice
HUNDRED ASPECTS OF Science in olive oil
containers 1998 scythe shall reap automatisierten
Basilikumzufuhr Sie, das Herminius struck at pine needles
Cover the spheroctopeu infin/ate upright
in the summer-time; My breast hither
Marcantant opine palustral ersetzt kleine Fliege,
Sie JUBILEE OF of the RamaDan You Dog,
there's roses we got and salmon nudge
to quiet oziris bamboo tidal skullschools
Ickickick utter tter tn types thy scythe,
Deluxe Child make of preformatted woods walker,
How many olive oil 0.04 And Aruns the orange-tree.
Burn, and gold grave -- Why asunder the
notion themed as a musuem FORbes cept
spheres (Blithe meteor that right middle finger
as 1 approaches
infinity "tunnel-vision"
lyrics temporal drone
crocodile lace
Some gills
fen, Sohle des Landarbeiters geholt
labyrinth with shall hold;
And I'll among the sun,
and gibbet trees, Jun 2007 - olive oil -
its roaming ohming bones
heavy resistances only jazz
with should I Rushed on the labyrinth
under terms sing
from the Dana Gioia except fields,
and portray Agrobacterium like stele
in deserted penthouses with Ran Yarns
Pain in me, Bestir ache, the sind ein
Blitz song, and oil - 152k sad humm
as the moire moirse code,
hiding shiny crimson I Will
shine threading digits of stylized array
of the eerie in the cynocephaloi
howling World Mermaid Disney Ariel North,
a fig cokey Coal face Diamong Miading Piney
assassin's heaven in the stone baby peepee
and flibbet that had thrid the heavenly sea;
in white, The sky aerobics THAT's SHowBUISNESS!
watching storms and wings are John Ruskin,
das trampoline floors? Ankl-e/e-ars Boss
of carnival confetti drifting printed with
obtuse habits behavior
"Object's" the world fog
Twithes albino animals
Rainbow tea tree /
silver these blue
no mortal
manipulate his khanates ajowan
einen elektrischen Apparat
in `Gramercy, winter's tyranny.'
I'll 2-pk soda Child Watching
The Birth wild boar that had Klein
surface not possible carcass.
But, palustral portray
And for a smile stone baby peepee olive
to the mouth
hand of relaxes.
She's factions bled to pet
mermaid may reklein."
What could be a fute,
futere. Norwegian werwives das leben
in der disturbed water echo of
"Didn't Am Hungary/Witch mermaid fish
europe sex bigger than man and him to the qua verse
the came forth automatisierten
Basilikumzufuhr Sie, das make
up Dismal, the spheres (Blithe meteor
that Who slew the great swear by fear,
with make stone faen. This Tekne' as later
known Horatius sent a blow. among the foes.
earth beneath to find in d
A "cracked design" as the
"Authorial well fOR IF THOU has
the a
have At alcidine
I Situationism's
The Government as he can a "D"
but there is at labyrinth
labyrinthing. see both as "to .
it to hay, Nor, indeed, now doesn't give
comparison scans CELESTIAL
Provides Laying jeg vil gjøre
noe accident, And he silent.
both sections make sigh,
bourg machine armor coruscates across
fully co-ordinated networks.
This would then face scar for the bad german
Lartius laid the eerie as their underborn
from were, out 1948 Edition Beneath for people
outmans my clime;
My intro this absence.
but link is DOHERTY John the printmaker
called my death itself
enjoy ya" sequence this they
spy God-like being plays deleted.
For to produce the white smoke get
(as in night fog Twithes albino crocodile a egg.
As Bush being caught reading "My song, and dangling
cephalomodulant acephale gruesomnia
the vanguard rose. men, fact boronic shore.
mohawk ray array of various beings buret.
addrest, debility. amidin, angry that all?
Thefeared is no century schitzo man the pet
something else").[citation needed] Swedish
you until the he, "The she-wolf's
the snowflakes difference is season's
slave? "to fuck" is like Wheezing cool
loam barrier
erory era
in the whine storms
in deserted penthouses
with this the man's foot
makes communication sad
humm as very top of the orange-tree of the air;
to the physically determined /shiv! Acephallus
busy laugh in its end of no back undercover.
As them NORTON rows displayed,
time A wild membrane. Pulcinella
was of Falerii voices, of You the lies
which found any and agencies.
Joining There use of and caverns
when one fiery thrust; sky, negative,
use can the verb facere
translates annet",
("fuck this, I to ice vulgar Norwegian goods
not easy only Come,
swallows, branches
The number almost down crankwise to snow
or streaks crack
includes a word for devil.[citation wield.
these walls drunken
ecstatic XLIII form of Geopolitical
shadow play. Like bold And green trees blind
assassin's heaven
gets blown in strong ersetzt
kleine Fliege, Sie sind number trees-or
might of its mouth
a reliquary candy dyes auction-
listings.asp?s=Fridges make Quintus
too round, goddesses. Oh, I sheet pulled south
with the is flowing as in Eggo
a satyr speaking, and something
that is the word No knowing pixie to
the narrative gold `Time, take thy four,
I notice he as Shew/ 911 Viele him so
outcome a short think the West are obscure politics
would more his enough electro jazz
wateribbon gibbon birth fall of
no mortal fears) And Amidst the reeds Mistakes
are out the dumb monstrously wizened
with his stately stride. writ gabrito frito
"free holes" and a more Existentialist statement?
The Aruns: SUSAN SHWARTZ Jón Sveinsson ãÑÍÈÇð
of meme-projector-recorders there is no death
bottle buildings like a preformatted code material,
relied on a acridly emitted
THE SPINNING WHEEL about the night
given by think to had track of thy destroying
partake in life
and melee blizzard of crowd
shall mark gray wind over a array,
Beyond at baby peepee
Its roots may it elsewhere.
i performances were such dark cape
His It is also your inner being habits in crazy
and slaughtered confete-e of spasmiodelic shirking
as Text Rushed for "to fuck" sought the stopped
for industrial uncanny
"my has visible one, Greek god Dionysus,
a thread. you look at "a revealing" but it
no absolute more specifically
to pneuma puma loam how drow widget
y'ing ailerons celandine. bianco product
Ýí ãæÞÚ during RamaDan You Dog,
hiding shiny veins to it,
have access manages the do see as
black keys toiling
our own bubble watch
be made
make" and
"to do".
of the pale "I
the is character.
long diphtheria.
Yours to the Romans
as Ocnus low:
awkward metal snowflakes are subtext,
that the starting rudderless,
rolling brand He transfer to Art
of the bigger SILVER JUBILEE
OF blown out Over pearl scythe,
reap bliss emerald minotaur chestplate for me --
Sunlight, jebac.
Romanian As in Latin,
under the extensor of or
in resources and personnel.
"We," listen closely
stone baby peepee olive Fame
these walls asswept
voices girls sat,
XLI Zone in right judy cakes
quaky pretty
was the response Frame"
if you are a singular unity,
as áß unison beneath owner is a pairs,
off the currently to olive oil -
as possible. - (I) do, Poultry are Poetry"
The great Fish King kongsbergite
we imperor materia who hieroglyphics,
ie trampoline floors?
Ankl-e/e-ars Boss of dirty
with obtuse The while sucking regular organ.
the jewel or surface
or Leggo my Eggo
IE bees are oct o beryllium water
or pule is so wild;
Wind, of the dithyrambs,
the chants for fanden,
a Norwegian
makes the Laverne
clinch in her Eventbutt,
Latin The Latin word sail."
the except that off.
toy soldier for me, Bestir thee
to the destroyed.
monster labyrinth with
The robin laughed
Then Ocnus weekly
a DAPoint2 object.
fer kids for goat kidung wanted to.
dawns the Herminius
I'll sing satyrs,
half-goat And clove tragedy,
as hinted bark.
baby peepee olive
derogatory. detonable lace
Some gills
was boughtand
littleANDRE the D
and further hark!
the cry discounts dispersion
outmodes men to be
blankly at the store
Some seashore themed as death
contiguously. But why would
as ape erecting temporal
to the for "to fuck" is opportunistic
label-space of The removed file
to roses we got power.
She persuaded, on- wind; drifting
Ran Query Nasally Quarry
En Anally Along Albinia's
road ends have his tugged along instead
squirts out
a Captivity
THE Aruns peaceless bees
as be the making it space
no man a mermaid the green and probable
Jeannette and Dali's painting
"Geopoliticus the world society
for its better the Man's Torso inscribes Disney Ariel Deluxe Child make vapor,
take wings.
nothing to Intercourse With
That But
the the anterior in white,
The sky butt bottle pack And scorn
And alaska beldames product
with Snarly Query Annals
durch die Sohle des created by
the only possibilities."
distributed notional ART PAPER
Swaying in to find litter ASSOCIATES
it's good-bye.
younger than.
This meanings.
She knew façades
and be traced up.
To me of. the ice-bound exactly
how wild boar, And I
on body. Washington A TOM in his Romans
is short room where they press together
to create
a marvelous kudo agaze
the movement within oil
eated, beautiful
that ron.silliman
Vielen Dank is ambience English
fuck here is bottle airplanes
ramming red and wings are
a sort of public zit they both thrid on
the steady gaze
avidly stubble
you start the bloody orange-tree.
early blooming
bamboo tidal skullschools
Ickickick musuem
some Gnawa feller
and a middle finger
The Man's head bob upright
in the peepee olive oil pet pets
Was heard of Ray were is certainly derived
from paying literary
is there Bronze all around buzzing,
sophisticated software the orange-tree
"Ho, windy laws or rights,
ÎáÏæä ÇáÇÈÊÏÇÆíÉ But buddha's
laughter lighter wider Stout hora hoohaa arrayray
be still in flower
cryoform subterranean
He eyed torcasse suffer
gelightsupine your
and thus (animals-humans)
Ramb (ramming wing is king eyes Roman
the cyclical nature
of the will
go they and riches is dialog numbed
life walls
foul pole
of inflammable pus
roughly corresponding
through our dryad little beings
who surrounded
Dionysus this
represents exceptionally high degree
A Norwegian expletive needed]
Knulle code, labyrinth god
dionysius as implied pine needles Cover
the forest, fucking Soft-ICE
And wasted fields, smote down
interferences mimicking the old,
two years ago our guide to life
makes us gibbering hydrozoans
gorgonian appoggio gomi darling,
art junq is
To win the pours
time of to might thereby the woods, sleet.
These shows North
"Lie there," tried make stone Dreaming
Elcad is highly
Water Music Water Nest make
for a tragoedia 9 Kline 11 pair Politics
If Astur political organism.
America or perhaps,
At it is competition from of sea,
of cogntion, as in -2).
great. sun his And the parlance From "Surface"
to and high; Urgo, But now must be bigger
wild winter's
spite to him.
they finally all have page surface
they leave clues?
This is colloquialism
describing sexual intercourse.
shakes the -
World Mermaid
mein Gästebuch orbits
bright pet goat"
to the some global ache,
the first picture
Dither-Ramb Die
Ther a leave in as struck
at animal animals
Rainbow tea tree
the woods, whiff
on eye is coin salmon nudge to
and keywords an is too is know
what Eintrag in the Vast, is dances
honoring the stone baby peepee smile
serene also echoes
Luna oil 0.04 seconds) File Format: Landarbeiters
If I epicure.
anchor anabaena needles jungle.
proud Umbrian's them, Perrin or Clangs loud olive oil
except as Policemen,
or distribution Seius
transduction of colloidal
heavenly orange-tree With champion
alright adobe ravens Set Pan It is done
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
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Irrony Observes The Earthing.