human skin bag
monty pythong awake
for your crotch lies blinking
blinging the rosy
or the jetson's
les bibi
les bibi
lesbi by
less babies
more rabies
sketching fealty
the inside of your kindney helmet
that doggone gumbi dammit!
grace jones says
'time to die'
but refrigerators
enter heraldry
radon loop-d-loop doggy
figural refridgetera
knight fridge terrors
the little international harvesto
its face-door opens
showing a rounded flange of ice
intelligent burrito hive of luminous sky pea
the blue faced noun
be thy warrior
be thy humbug
ichabod jain wigwam
giallo logjam soda dancer
and if you see its frozen
bunghole in the rain
tiny tents across its balding head
made of whale sushi
nature encasing the damn problem
raincoat rapist
hunted by elbow faced
cigar thumb
kneeburger callous
doggone ole eskimoo knights
in white teflon doors
lined up
self-assembling window pony gin
pickled seals' heads computers
kunstreversial skitter
suction antenna ambassador
and role-aids
pumpkin scratcher
and canteloupe fucker
dog each winey heiney bowler
vacuum mouse
human made
of black holes'
white blood monkey golem
weird tissue aeroplane
egyptian amoeba glyph
oiled for hot sexy
glitter mandible's
and furthermore
gas X
wherever green torso dangling
gut bucket cardigan carousel billy
rubber intestine apartments
i am fitted with the fluorescent skull collar
and lepidum
chief mistake h0rn
grace jones
wheels out a rabbit cannon
dressed as napoleon
gray glass square
grey gloss toe neck fringe
In the 17th Century
you get a fringe
of like a big-toe collar
moor-foot a fried
fish has attached itself
to the ear of an elk
inside a side-piped
fondue guppy bug debiteuse
o murk whose waves
are lives no more deblazoned
in their whimzies, collectively
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Irrony Observes The Earthing.