Monday, April 19, 2010

Thank You, Marco! You were a subtle thinker.

"a furious attack on capitalist society
lives on, ironically, as a consumer fetish object"


he enters mythic time.
all human sign systems create
some form of hierarchy, but like
any physical assemblage, they
can be disrupted by physicality

he becomes the chef
for a princess / virgin / captain
which represents desire.

the ship represents
the the buoyancy of desire
in a vast sea of death.

death is nature is appalling
and vast, even more so than sex,
and farm more vast than
the thin idiotic machinations
of art, ideology and co.

Marco has created a dream
about a dream.

A dream of overcoming the banal
with a mood.

The whole thing is at once reflexive,
and also melancholy.
He knew it would be read this way,
and encoded secret clues for the

We are all food for the world monster,
and ideas are only part of the story
of how we, personally, end up
in the hell-mouth of materiality's
consuming end, and not necessarily
the most interesting part.

the oddity of following a narrative
is that the meaning it evinces
in the real and in the metaphysical
are both


a bounded infinity
with hermeneutics,
and its lack, as terminal

1 comment:

  1. death is nature is appalling
    and vast, even more so than sex,
    and farm more vast than
    the thin idiotic machinations
    of art, ideology and co.


    The reverberations are enormous. You've got no idea.

    Sorry to have been a stranger, I've been courted by the vastness o'nights.

    The Undead Father of Our Country definitely has a lot to answer for, and what better way to begin the interrogation than as the vivid new JWWESF blog brand logo.

    I salute your subtlety of thought, as ever, O maestro.


Irrony Observes The Earthing.