Saturday, September 18, 2010

Utta Insar Thu Hin By Honimumb

we are panting with prescriptions
lapis goats produce perfect notes
damp terms with noses
data realism is slightly boring
until you see the chemical reactions
as ukiyo-e laid across a horseshoe crab
for good luck

the transparent armor
and its tiny vestigial
gesticulanguing arms

you are my clover
the limbs like paper
whose smoke
as writ
is torn between the terms

the swollen terms
of its members

and the whole crew
glad and tidy
and hissy
to bitsy

work crew

work erase

the rose
of war

like a raw
turtle ovipositor

the suppository factories
in the clean green frames
of its internal debacle

they scout out cool

safety zones

a single helium molecule
with racing stripes
hangs on the brick
in the pond

ficing no pink slaw
the hearth whose absent wall
is an unda
a yearning:

 "The minor would do well to reinfect father.." 

hair ropes
are fed into the frame
from wheels concealed
in nut-like cupids
with hard brown chitons

utta insar to
rasa neosign


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