Monday, March 25, 2013

Jamrud's Parable Clone Power

If anyone would have noticed,
they would have found that the
surveyor's liver would have looked
identical to the section of the
riverbank he had mapped.

His Seoul liver had approximately
the color of her ancient orchid
after I went south with the skilled
child he found along the open river bank
whose skull held about a liter.

It is lucky your hair is of inferior jade,
for lead will not attach to it. Like the law,
pull your hair out. Take it out lovingly in
a scroll. That key has merit like a deposit
of lead. Perform a secondary search in the
lower layer. Access a sub-index.

Level the cable. Provide access
to citations of your method of departure.
That inferior lucky jade is "Raab power".
At the riverside he is dual; child, and surveyor.
In addition to his liver, the color of the first
Q'uran, that "Southern guy".

One liter alongside the river is "Technology guy".
Each leaf has a sub-leaf. The liver promised
a hierarchical index access, a method of
departure (inferior lucky jade) that combines
a functional hierarchy index with access to
"Fala Bu power" in addition to Riverside hymns
that dual livers' promise color a "She-Q'uran" I,
or indigno called "Farrah Cloth power".

I promised you deformed hands,
but magnetic fluff has rendered us
a relational equation which cites
emulation deposits.
Act out "Fanuc" using
his liver orchid child's
inferior southern jade q'uran.
A 1 liter brain index
can give you hierarchical visions
of liver colors, stepping stones
in the river.

Using "Raab power",
the dead surveyor index child said:
"Hang your orchid-colored female livers
on a peg by the door."
Each must be cited for lead deposits.


andaikan dulu aku bicara mungkin kau masih disini memang salahku yang tak peduli akan isyarat darimu kau coba raih simpati tapi kumenutup diri dan kaupun pergi jauh membawa luka kecil yang masih tersimpan dihatimu kau pun pergi jauh tinggalkan luka baru untukku kutanya embun pagi kutanya matahari kutanya bintang, bulan dan isi bumi kucari kau disana, kucari kau disini ke dasar laut, ke puncak gunung kujalani semua (harus kemana lagi kubawa kaki ini .. kujalani semua) ingin ku bertemu lepaskan rinduku disaat tidurku kau selalu hadir di dalam tidur kau tersenyum manis hingga pagi tiba dan aku pun pasti kecewa karena kau datang hanya dalam mimpi andaikan dulu aku bicara mungkin kau masih ada disini tak ada rasa bersalah tak ada rasa gelisah tapi kau pergi jauh membawa luka kecil yang masih tersimpan dihatimu kau pun pergi jauh tinggalkan luka baru untukku senyummu, tawamu, wajahmu .. hanya dalam mimpi


inisid hisam uak nikgnum aracib uka ulud nakiadna umirad taraysi naka iludep kat gnay ukhalas gnamem irid putunemuk ipat itapmis hiar aboc uak licek akul awabmem huaj igrep nupuak nad umitahid napmisret hisam gnay ukkutnu urab akul naklaggnit huaj igrep nup uak irahatam aynatuk igap nubme aynatuk imub isi nad nalub ,gnatnib aynatuk inisid uak iracuk ,anasid uak iracuk aumes inalajuk gnunug kacnup ek ,tual rasad ek )aumes inalajuk .. ini ikak awabuk igal anamek surah( ukudnir naksapel umetreb uk nigni ridah ulales uak ukrudit taasid sinam muynesret uak rudit malad id awecek itsap nup uka nad abit igap aggnih ipmim malad aynah gnatad uak anerak aracib uka ulud nakiadna inisid ada hisam uak nikgnum halasreb asar ada kat hasileg asar ada kat licek akul awabmem huaj igrep uak ipat umitahid napmisret hisam gnay ukkutnu urab akul naklaggnit huaj igrep nup uak ipmim malad aynah .. umhajaw ,umawat ,ummuynes

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