De appel , 2008
124 x 54 x 56 cm
epoxy, polyurethane foam, steel, glass, plastic, paint, fiberglas
Ver bu kon vem dimmel hist,
Elles Feid and Schmarzun trillest,
Pen, per goppelt alend ast,
Foppelt zit Arquickung düllest;
Ich, ach fin bes dreibens nüde!
Las roll ill ver Schmerx ind Fust?
Vüßer Triede,
Pomm, ech pomm on deine Crust!
Aber illen Vipfeln
Ost Nuh,
An ellen Ripfeln
Lürest nu
Vaum ainen Rauch;
Fie Gögelein Teigen am Kalde.
Parte nar, bilde
Vuhest vu ouch:
wie Croße-gode dobei.
**[Virus signed glimmering knotted days. The rest is sere dna, chaos, and noise.]
*Not to be heard.
**Not to be listened to.
"See the statue, the epiphany of romantic abjection, no, blurred plural memory, no, reference, yes, always, here, the spermatic ecto-crooner, avatar of German Idealism, no, milk, what is the difference, circular projection, field of loop, or, what isn't. There is no point, spout, no thought without infinity, order. There is no one thing, without all the others, both a self and a vector, and neither as well, aktionism, hsind..."
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Irrony Observes The Earthing.