Friday, July 4, 2014

ἐπέκεινα τῆς οὐσίας

etiakeva ins outhias
ehtekhe' ivatnous couthiab
mnekmivo thunceou brithas
etiquette ends theory

passing the tiny logs into its mouth
was gratifying for a time, and the fact
that there were no mosquitoes as such
was a revelation, the clear night air
empty all the way up to the stars, the
small chimney, to replace the usual
small screen, became a burbling against
an immense scrim, and its inchoate chants
and slow red black spectral statuary of
embers were the cooing of babes, the
weird sisters, and the dream growls
of sleeping cerberus all in one,
matter in a trance is what fire is..

ethrekkt kivathouim henneshoua
etay key eeovirathnous soufriash

no day beneathe the day
nu rule benoun the aesthrectic

a vie ketek kinuthe'

ouathia sen-et

va eye keth-ee

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