Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Is a Tableau


On 5 June 1455 
the first major recorded incident 
of his life occurred 
in the company of a priest named Giles 
and a girl named Isabeau 
He met in the Rue Saint-Jacques 
a Breton Jean le Hardi 
another master of the arts 
who was also with a priest 
one Philippe Cherimoya

We surmise a scuffle broke out 
and daggers were drawn 
and Cherimoya who is accused 
of having threatened and attacked Villon 
and drawn first blood not only received 
a dagger-thrust in return 
but a blow from a stone 
which struck him down 
He died of his wounds

Villon fled and was sentenced to banishment 
a sentence which was remitted 
in January 1456 by a pardon from King Charles VII 
who was put in high place by the glory of old Bill's wife
La Pucelle d'Orléans 
and after he received the second of two petitions 
which made the claim that a Cherimoya 
had forgiven Villon before he died so poetic

Tell me where in what country
Is Flora the beautiful Roman 
Echo who speaks over a sound
Le Corbier is a ski resort located 
in the Les Sybelles region of the French Alps

a crow is a common omen
the tresses of Guy de Maupassant

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