Co sine it
has a mind of its ohm//
Huber Street.
I see a poor wretch who looks like
W.C. Fields trying to get in shape
by riding a bicycle. The big red nose,
though immortal, signals
immortally alcoholic pyramids
H uber alles (Bardic Speed Oil for Bank Dicks)
Earlier that week I found a pair of
light aqua overalls
but did not buy them, I had
not practiced any apperception, vaudeville,
or artificial intelligence
due to big screen, off-stage
deeply remote
sensing ore kettle
or seeing (finally a ringworm emblem
in the skin of the sun)
or Dionysus
in a football helmet
with a mohawk of dynamite
as portrayed by Norman Rockwell
which always makes me think of
something Willard would always say
at the board meetings of Rockwell
If others had not been foolish, we
should be so..
black ghosts are senseless.
black ghosts drift among the ferns
between the quiet houses.
sometimes one hears a child screaming
for an extended period of time.
sometimes the black ghost simply
listens to the empty syntax of birds,
making note of subtle changes like:
debulliate wastine georgic kat exochen
debulliate waste time georgic caterwauling
debutauntase haste vine engorge kraterion
"Imp ties"
Somehow sensibility
exists very clearly in animals
and somehow animals
only hear
in this purr
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Irrony Observes The Earthing.