Equo ne credite, Teucri / Quidquid id est, timeo Danaos et dona ferentes
What bull is wounded
whose snake
already a cry
hoarse in angry oceans
White snorting foam
minions of muscle
to embody resistance
whose careless scales
do not at once
makes themselves
a parent
Ille simul manibus tendit divellere nodos
Ill simulataneous mandibles tend to drivel nodes
perfusus sanie vittas atroque veneno,
Whose perfusive and sanitary vittles are atrocious venom
[of namelessness] "venn ohm"
clamores simul horrendos ad sidera tollit:
Clamoring simultaneously, hordes of sidereal tolls
qualis mugitus, fugit cum saucius aram
quail under "the mugitis" of fucked up cum-sauce in a ram
taurus et incertam excussit cervice securim.
Bull is uncertain /EXCUSSIT/ in the service of
a securely rimming rhyme, REM, MER, mere air
is profound
and dear.
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